Friday, April 13, 2007

Democrats Mull Imus Loss

I normally try to go out of my way not to comment here about the latest media brouhaha going on at any given time, but I thought this was worth a mention.

Despite all that's been said about him being a conservative, redneck, racist or whatever, looks like some in the Democratic Party are concerned over radio host Don Imus getting the axe. Seems they feel he was one of the few popular talk show hosts that gave them good air time.


  1. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Eric Kirk called Don Imus a conservative earlier today. It's amazing how some people hear only what they want to hear and not what's being said.

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Don Imus had little to no listeners...

    If Howard Stern was getting kicked off there air, then that would be a big deal

    at his terestial height, Stern had close to 15 million I believe. Imus had less than a million.

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I think he has been wrongly done. And I'm not sure where people see racism in his comments, sexism surely. I'm not a radio listener but I would guess he's said considerably more offensive things in the past. Nappy headed hos?- Sh*t that's just hip-hop!

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I have real mixed emotions about this. The free speech segment of me feels he should have the right to say what he wants, and while this might have been stupid and intemperate, I am not sure it rises to the level of deserving to be fired. On the other hand his employers do run a business, and as far as I know because his actions reflect badly on them both in terms of appearance and financially they probably have the right to fire him. No winners in this mess.

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Dodd, Ford, Lieberman, Kerry.

    Not real democrats.

    BUT, Imus was more bipartisan than Malkin, Savage, Coulter or Rush. I think that's why there's been so much fuss as opposed to the complete lack of reaction to their comments.

  6. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Nappy headed hos?- Sh*t that's just hip-hop! 1:33 PM

    It's not dirty or degrading enough to be hip-hop.

    See, Imus laughs and says something degrading about some black women. It was a mean thing to say. It was wrong to say it. It's natural that people are angry about what he said.

    But why weren't we angry that hip-hop has been saying and showing far more degrading things about black women every day for about twenty-five years?

    And the rappers aren't joking. They seriously mean it when they degrade women. Black or white makes no difference. They treat all women as whores because the rappers are themselves no better than pimps.

  7. Anonymous5:21 PM

    By the way, I hope everyone is aware that Imus has committed a crime for which no forgiveness is possible. Presidents pardon felons, Popes forgive their would-be assassins, but the words of Jesus regarding forgiveness have no apparent meaning for the Reverend Jackson or the Reverend Sharpton.

    The Rutgers University Basketball team has chosen to accept Imus's apology.

    These two men of the cloth, Jackson and Sharpton have not.

    These men of Religion have become the moral arbiters of who can say what in American.

    Jesus taught his disciples to pray to "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us."

    Therefore, I will strive to forgive all who have screwed up, including those reprehensible "rap artists."

  8. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I meant to write:

    Jesus taught his disciples to pray "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespasses against us."

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Gosh, now where will the Democrats go when they need a friend in the media? I tell you, it's a vast right wing conspiracy, that's what it is!

  10. A lot of good it did Democrats to go on Mr. Imus' show. Good riddance to him.

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Carson Park Ranger said...
    A lot of good it did Democrats to go on Mr. Imus' show. Good riddance to him. 4:29 PM

    Hey, CPR!
    As ye judge, so shall ye BE "judged."

  12. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Check out the news from Virginia Tech for an example of hatred that goes WAY beyond Imus.

    Imus didn't hurt anything but people's feelings.

  13. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This idea that "Well, I didn't do anything someone else hasn't done so why punish me?" is pure bogus. It doesn't work when you're stopped for speeding and it shouldn't.

    Hip hop rappers don't claim to have a serious message intended for the general public, so they get "artistic license" to be outrageous. They are in bad taste IMHO. Imus used their "art" as a cover to legitimize his hate speech.
