Saturday, February 25, 2006

Board of Supervisor Endorsements

I just noticed Bonnie Neely added a list of people endorsing her to her campaign page. No real surprises, yet, except perhaps Roger Rodoni. That's not totally unexpected, though. It's not unusual for people who already work together to give a courtesy endorsement and it might be somewhat awkward to endorse your workmate's opponent and still have a smooth working relationship if your workmate won.

It does seem like a left of center crowd of endorsers overall, as I expected, although I'll admit to not recognizing some of the names and am surprised not to see some others on the list. The page is relatively new so more names will likely show up.

I noticed some names on Neely's list duplicated, Rodoni and Wooley being listed as both individual supervisors and also alongside their wive's names. An unintentional oversight, I'm sure

Nancy Flemming also has a list of endorsements on her campaign page now. No surprises there, at least from the names I recognize. As has been brought up by myself and others here, looks like this race is pretty much lining up as a contest between the pro- business and pro- government project crowd with developers Kurt Kramer and the Arkleys some of the big names on Flemming's list.

What about Jill Geist? Is she going to bother with a campaign page? So far we've heard one Pat Higgins intends to run against her. I've also just heard of the possibility of someone else entering that race but I'm not even sure who this mystery third person might be. Just something a little bird told me. Stay tuned.


At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel Pierce.

Who knows how many people will be swayed by David Elsebush's claim in the McKinleyville Press that you, too, can earn $70,000 a year for attending one meeting a week. All it takes is a $700 filing fee, didn't ya know?

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Dan Pierce isn't the name I heard, but the name I got was via e-mail and the person sending it didn't even know if he had it spelled correctly so I won't use it.

Hey, $700 is $700. Might be a nice investment, though. Either that or a waste of a lot of money if you lose.

I think it will take a lot to defeat Geist, if only cause of the incumbent advantage and there doesn't seem to be any groundswell of support in removing her.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel is running. While I may not vote for him, he came to my office and I signed his petition to get him on the ballot. Every signature saves him 25 cents on his ballot statement.

Daniel is interesting to say the least, but he is a good guy.

Mike Harvey

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Ok. I guess I must not be in that loop as I've never heard of him. Any particular bone he wants to pick that got him interested in running?

At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pot is his issue.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who thinks Higgins is qualified for the job?

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Anon2:32, How is pot Dan Pierce's issue? Is he for, or against CAMP and the drug war?

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Oh, that Dan Pierce. I didn't remember the name but now that you mention him running last time I remember someone piqued my interest because pot seemed to be his main subject of interest.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Maybe. Either that or he just wants to stay on everybody's good side.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Looks like it is Higgins, Pierce and Jeff Lytle (sp?)


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