Porch Potatoes

She wants to return to the days where people spent the late afternoons and evenings relaxing and socializing on their front porches. You know, like on Andy of Mayberry.
Do we want to go back to those days? I suppose we could do worse.
One of the main reasons people did a lot of this is the weather. When you're in hot (and especially humid) climates, you can't stay indoors for long without an air conditioner blasting on high.
The porch was cooler than your hotbox living room.
In Humboldt, there are less opportunities with rain and fog as standard operating procedure.
Yes, we do want to back to those days, it's good community.
Thanks, now my wife wants me to build a porch on the front of the house. Great Idea, regardless of the weather..just bundle up!
Funny you mention that. After writing this post I was driving around town and noticing how many house don't have porches, at least the kind you could sit out on.
It was a T.V. show, not reality.
No porch. But this summer we started pulling a couple of lawn chairs out on the driveway. Such a great way to meet your neighbors and passerby's.
Unfortunately, a front porch captures and amplifies the sound of the neighbor's unmufflered car exhaust. Only deaf people could bear to sit on the porch in Eureka, where no one enforces the vehicle noise laws.
It seems as if the people hanging on porches anymore are the smokers who aren't allowed to light up indoors. I see them all across town on my way to work. Mom-in-law has been living across the street for a short time but gets a lot of face-time with the neighbors on her daily sojourns to the smoker's porch.
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