Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Mendocino MJ Militia?

I kind of like this idea. A guy in Mendocino County is proposing a group of volunteers be formed up to arm themselves and go out on public lands to clean up massive marijuana plantations. I wonder if he got the idea first, or maybe got it from this Sonoma County lady who recently led a successful raid on her property?

Hey, I'm all for it if people want to grow and smoke pot, but it is getting out of hand when people are afraid to use public (or even their own) property for recreation or other legitimate purposes. Not to mention the pollution and environmental issues.

Certainly there could be problems with the implementation of such volunteer groups. I don't know how you could be assured they could stay focused on the big grows and not start messing with the smaller mom and pop operations.

And what about violence? Would some of these Mexican nationals actually fire on a bunch of armed civilians approaching their grow area? Maybe, but the volunteers would hopefully have more than enough people and firepower to overcome that issue.

Could something like this actually reduce the number of large grows on public and private land, or would the large growers escalate the situation with yet more violence as we see happening in Mexico?

I'm not sure, but it might be worth giving this a try. But I don't know that they need my, or anyone else's permission to start up. Nothing wrong with taking back your own land.

Now we need to come up with some cool names for these groups. How about Ukiah Valley Rangers, for one? The Mendocino Marijuana Militia?



At 8:41 AM, Blogger ImBlogCrazy said...

Think Old West vigilantes.

They may have started out taking care of problems but soon became one themselves. There's no accurate count of how many innocent people they hung or shot.

And you'd like to see that happen? Really Fred?

Violence meeting violence doesn't equal an answer.

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Dave, why don't we light some incense and send spirit vibrations out into the National Forests asking politely if the criminal cartels will leave.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

And the estimates of people hung or shot by vigilantes in probably grossly inflated.

That said, certainly there would be a concern with violence, but I'd almost bet for the most part if a couple guys guarding a garden saw 10 armed civilians coming their way, they'd probably make a run for it.

People have a right to take back control of their public or private property.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

why don't we light some incense and send spirit vibrations out into the National Forests asking politely if the criminal cartels will leave.

I suppose there'd be no harm in trying that, either. :-)

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Another real GRASSroots movement.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger ImBlogCrazy said...

There's a difference between securing your own perimeter - something I advocate we all do - and tromping through the hills with some good old boys decked out like Rambo hoping they can outgun cartel guards with automatic weapons.

What if innocent people get caught in these clashes? Acceptable collateral?

I find it interesting that it's usually non-combat veterans, or non-military types, who are quick to suggest pulling out guns to solve a situation. I'm also aware there's always some stupid combat veterans who still want to play war. But most who "have been there and done that" avoid it unless directly threatened.

Unless you grew up hunting in those hills you think civilians should patrol, how effective do you think a person would be banding together with other wannabe heros and hunting the bad guys?

When I read comments suggesting that not using guns to solve problems is some sort of sign of a clueless hippie...I seriously wonder about the person who makes them..especially when they chose to hide and make comments like that.

Forgive me for being rude Fred. This is your thread and blog. I won't bother you anymore.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Unless you grew up hunting in those hills you think civilians should patrol, how effective do you think a person would be banding together with other wannabe heros and hunting the bad guys?

Well, according to the UDJ story, the guy with the idea wants locals in the group "who know the lay of the land...". Makes sense.

He's probably referring to the people that are already being scared of public and private property because of the grows.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, the UDJ is one of the worst papers in Northern California. It serves as a blatent propaganda source for various Mendocino power players. In this case, the story is inflating this issue for the Sheriff of Mendocino, who is trying to stave off some budget cuts. They are trying to say that there is suddenly a cartel problem on National Forest lands in Mendocino County. Pot has been grown on this land for at least 40 years. Google news stories about arrests, shootings and deaths on National Forest lands with Cartel involvement, they happen all the time. Last week it happened in Wisconsin of all places. Two years ago it happened in Humboldt County. There will be no militia. Its somebody, probably a friend of the Sheriff, blowing hot air for the Sheriff's benefit. There is no more of a problem now than there was 10 years ago. But the Sheriff is trying to scare the shit out of people to help get a new tax passed, and make sure he never has to lay any Deputy's off, or cut his budget at all. There will always be high crime in that area, because its next to one of the poorest Indian reservations in California, and there's nothing the Sheriff can ever do about it because the Reservation is sovereign land where he cannot patrol or arrest. Sorry to bring some reality.

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to point out that there's always an agenda with whatever story that paper is printing.

At 8:07 PM, Blogger mresquan said...

"Well, according to the UDJ story, the guy with the idea wants locals in the group "who know the lay of the land...". Makes sense."

More like,so they can move them out and set up their own grow operations,or simply just take over the grow scene without dismantling anything.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger savagesam said...

Just legalize the pot and you take all the profit away from these illegal grows.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger savagesam said...

Legalize pot and you take away the profit from the growers.


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