Artichoke Water?
First I've heard of this new drink: a beverage made from artichokes. They supposedly use the whole flower. I love artichokes. I'm not sure artichoke water would get me excited. Anyone ever tried it?
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
First I've heard of this new drink: a beverage made from artichokes. They supposedly use the whole flower. I love artichokes. I'm not sure artichoke water would get me excited. Anyone ever tried it?
They didn't mention if the water (base) comes from artytesian wells.
I was just telling my husband about this.I too adore artichokes. But....artichoke water?? Amazon sells it, and it has gotten FAB reviews. No, I have not tried it. Perhaps you could serve it with a side of mayo or melted butter!
I might be interested if it was made just from the hearts and meat on the leaves. Their web page says it's made with the whole plant. The idea of artichoke leaf tea doesn't exactly get me going.
Oh, and it seems pricey, too, looking at the price list.
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Wow, Blogger deleted the full URL... Search for "Obsessives Soda Pop" on Youtube.
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