Friday, April 17, 2015

A Democrat Proposal I Can Agree With

Don't get me wrong. Partisan fellow that I am (ha, ha), I certainly think just about every dumb law passed in this state started with Democrats. This latest proposal is an exception and has been a long time coming.

"Senate Bill 411, introduced by state Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, protects the practice (video recording of police) so long as active bystanders are “not interfering with official duties,” the Los Angeles Times noted."

Time after time we hear of police taking video cameras and cell phones, or even arresting people for recording police activity. That's simply unacceptable. The police have a considerable amount of power and authority, all of it subject to abuse. Recording police conduct is the least we should be able to do.

It will be interesting to see how this goes. Politicians from all sides of the aisle tend to fall over each other to gain favor with law enforcement. That this legislation was even introduced is almost a surprise in that regard. Only time will tell its fate.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Julie Timmons said...

Agreed. But has the word "Democratic" been banned from the dictionary? Just because some illiterate Republican started saying "Democrat" for "Democratic" doesn't mean everyone else has to ruin the English language. Should I refer to the GOP as the "Republic" party??

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Liberal Man On Bike said...

DemocratIC proposal.

Only rats would be so low as to try to change grammar for so low down subliminal language debasing.

I know, it's fun to see us Dems get so upset about nothing right? That's another good excuse.

Oh, btw, I detest the "bagger" epithet too.

Julie! I wrote this before seeing your comment! Great minds, blah blah blah.


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