Friday, February 17, 2017

The Day Without Immigrants

The Lost Coast Outpost covers events from yesterday's Day Without Immigrants in which immigrants were supposed to stay home from work and school to get us to realize how much a part of our lives they are. Sorry, I didn't notice any difference.


At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Trump follows through with mass deportations (presumably meaning 7 to 11 million), you'll first notice produce prices skyrocket and restaurant prices go up. Within a year you'll see a Great Recession as everyone's cost of living jumps, large factory farms close, and the effects ripple through the economy.

Conservatives like to say immigrants take jobs Americans would normally take, but nothing is stopping Americans from doing that now. Americans don't want minimum wage hard labor jobs working in the sun (yeah, the days of illegal immigrants earning slave wages are over, at least for major industries, such as factory farms).

Poor Americans won't take a job of nonstop hard labor for $20,000 a year. They'll literally take any other minimum wage job that doesn't require hard labor. Illegal immigrants take the jobs only because they don't require frequently conversing in fluent English.

So, we're talking about a huge jump on farm laborer salaries to fill those positions, a huge jump in food prices, an increase in importation every food food possible, closure of factory farms, and, ultimately, tens of thousands of lost jobs across many industries.

At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And remember, the US unemployment rate is 4.9%. It's why Trump is emphasizing the 'huge mess' he inherited and claiming huge job losses under Obama (more alternate facts) because there is a great fear the economy will fair much worse under Trump.

Let's just watch the unemployment rate and see if Trump feels a need to redefine how the statistic is calculated, or whether, aww shucks, we don't need to be tracking that anymore.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work visas, e-verification, faster processing, will undoubtedly lead to the pursuit of happiness.
Flooding the bordersvin a free for all, stolen ID's, known felons, has undoubtedly led America into an avoidable crisis.
Hurry, good decent migrants, get documented one way or another. Protest for faster, more thorough vetting and work or visitor visas. The good news is, more jobs are coming for those who comply with Constitutional Law!

Protect yourselves, not hardened criminals!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Doubt it......Monsanto and mega farm machines will poop oil on human labor.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Trump already said that the unemployment figures are fake, as he believes the unemployment rate is really over 15%

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Trump Vineyards put out job requests for over 20 migrant Visa workers to compete with American workers in a job hiring process where if American workers don't want the job the migrant workers from across the border get them.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous John Fullerton said...

I am no fan of Trump but he did back off the unenforceable claim he would deport all 12-14 million illegal immigrants. He changed it to all criminal illegal immigrants which would be 1-2 million.

It has long been recognized that the official unemployment figures currently somewhere around 4.9%. The official figures only count those registered with the unemployment office as looking for work. It does not count those who have given up looking and those who are only working part time but want full time. Most experts have said the true unemployment rate is 12-15%.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Rusty said...

No difference. Legal immigrants no doubt went to work like the rest of us. We got no time for useless propaganda marches.

At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Henchman, but there is no machinery for most bend-over crop picking. And do you think Monsanto has a chemical to spray on crops that make crops pick themselves? LOL!

Georgia already tried stepped up immigration enforcement. Crops lay unpicked. Americans didn't want the jobs. Millions upon millions of dollars were lost. It was a big frickin' disaster. If Trump tries it, holy F he won't be able to blame Hillary for stomping the economy.

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Rusty said...

Crops are going un picked because of the broke ass H-2A immigration visa program form the 90's. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS are ready and waiting. We're less than a MONTH into the Trump Administration and crops have been going un picked since the early 90's. The blame lies clearly on Clinton.... Bill that is... and Bush...and Obama.... its the illegal immigrants that are the problem....Stop hallucinating your make fools of yourselves.

At 7:16 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Agreed, but a quality wall needs to be built first while deporting worst criminal illegals first, then go after lighter weight illegals.

Illegal is illegal........sneaking around as a hermit illegal is not "community"!

Community would never had let gubbamint allow illegal immigration to be a political issue had community not got all deceitful for liberal/progressive kook agendas.

Of course, Hispanic journalist horror Jorge Jiz Lip head up ass wants to whine about how illegal Mexican immigrants take up jobs other people don't want......... that is how a con artist tries to write off or downplay the implications of the conduct of a person or type of persons....... it is an attempt to try to gain sympathy through faux religion and morals.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Sorry, but you use the cloud network of intelligence.......HOJ knows on the ground labor.......

Anonymous is naive to think mexican munching will be fruitful when jobs are going the wsy of automation.....

Ya know, bending over to get raped up the ass is old school, nowadays, bending over is not required.......and the more machines take over, the more obsolete mexican munching will be for political votes........then it will be simply man versus work or to die......stupid liberals and progressives........theyll admit this scenario in a watered down show of lies regarding Trump economy, job creation........but when immigration, not manufacturing jobs, is the necomes mexican munching is good for jobs.....

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henchman, you have quite an active imagination. I don't know where to start. Everything you said is not true, and demonstrably so. A few thing are based n a nugget of reality you don't know anything about and have wildly extrapolated nuttiness from. Please, get help.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are working on it.
My god when did all the confusion start between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, and why can the news media not discern the difference anymore?


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Soery, but automation eliminates labor jobs, even mexican munching politicians can't reverse.

Need a driver to operate the machine that manages and picks the crop......nope.......gps technology.......grow up, quit thinking kooky thoughts.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Because it is MSP.......not msrp.....main stream propaganda versus manufacturer suggested retail price.......

The only similarity is "manufactured".

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Legal immigrants - that is some funny retroflection........if anyone is legal, then immigrant is nullified.

Maybe illegals need to lie more, be more deceitful, heaven knows illegals are perps.

Maybe illegals need to eat more shit before they come to grips with reality.

Daniel Suarez -illegals could learn a thing or two.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, I just lost a post, hopefully it will show up. In case it doesn't I just wanted to refer you to how I heard about this notorious report.

Google "Nixonland moynihan". It's page 394 - 396 of the google book text that comes up. I recommend highly this book if you have some down time while recuperating. Get well soon.

I think any nostalgia for Moynihan's report is anachronistic and, well, you know, potentially indicative of an implicit bias of yours. Maybe it's explicit, but that isn't something that can be typed-out publicly without social repercussions.

(Comments being moderated on another thread - I'm testing if it was because it is a couple of days old. It was the post on Moynihan's report. This is the 4th and last try to post this. Sorry for any inconvenience.)

-Jon Yalcinkaya-

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Democratic Jon said...

Success! Not sure why the above post wasn't uploading without mediation on the other thread. I couldn't believe you'd start moderating comments. Not as a libertarian. Anyway, fyi, I couldn't post immediately in the other thread for whatever reason. Maybe it's something on my end. These intertubes are confounding sometimes.

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Elon Musk admitted that "AI" will take away labor jobs.

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing and sad so many are buying the DISTRACTION. next up will be cartels. Anything to fear and hate, dont trust anyone but what VonClownstick says. Who cares about climate, infrastructure, economy, military, education.....NOT important stuff at all, right?
We need to be scared of people with brown skin!!!!!!! AAAAAAAGGHHHH!

Amazing. Sad.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Rusty said...

No one is afraid of people with brown skin. AAAAAAAAAGGHHHH Screams the whining name calling Bleeding Hart,the agony you must be in. Please seek help before it too late....

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Only scared people hide out sneakishly for fear of deportation.

Only illegals are scared to be deported.

Legals are just opponents or proponents to deportation.

Protesters are simply protesting that it's okay to be in America as an illegal.

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Illegal immigrants take the jobs only because they don't require frequently conversing in fluent English.

Response: US businesses hire non english speaking types in order to commit business wrongs and not have to explain themselves on the ground.

Hispanics are the worst immigrants to date for violations of property rights, but Democrats already know that, which is also shown with the border problems.......democrats endorse property crimes, destruction of forrests and parks......

Further, illegals take jobs where they are out of plain site or out of the mainstream, day to day observations.


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