Friday, February 15, 2008


From today's Eureka Reporter:

“You can’t prove a case without a victim,” Gallegos said.'


"Clanton requested that the alleged victim be allowed to share with the court her support and desire for Gundersen to return home.

Miles denied her the opportunity, but allowed Clanton to speak for her. “She is here in court to indicate on record that she doesn’t feel at danger,” Clanton said.

The alleged threats were nothing more than a misconstrued conversation, Clanton said. He added that the alleged victim looks forward to assisting the defense counsel prepare its defense.

The alleged victim confirmed that she attended the hearing to support her husband."

This is nuts! What the hell is going on here?
As an aside, I find it very troubling the rush to judgment taking place in the comments sections of the blogs and newspaper web sites regarding this case. Looks like it's time to saturate the television networks with replays of The Oxbow Incident.


At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit Fred - how funny that you pointed out the OxBow incident. Remember Gallegos’ plagiarized My Word piece on vigilantism? Remember it was stolen from a law professors piece about the movie the OxBow Incident. Then after he got caught, remember how he tried to back pedal and say that was his favorite movie etc, etc. Maybe its his favorite movie for all of the wrong reasons.

Yeah - this whole thing really stinks.

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice how Judge Miles allowed the alleged rapist's attorney to "speak for" the wife / alleged victim, instead of having her speak for herself (and under oath).

"Miles said she would take Clanton's word for the intent of Gundersen's wife's statement..." (T-S)

So the judge is taking the defense attorney's word as to what the statement of the victim would have been if she had made a statement?


And the anti-Gallegos people are worried that the Gunderson is being persecuted and treated unfairly? Seems more like Gunderson's being coddled by the court.

Also, his bail remains at $500,000, whereas the guidelines call for aboout $750,000? Again, that hardly sounds like he's being singled out for harsh treatment either...

At 7:59 PM, Blogger kaivalya said...

So the judge is taking the defense attorney's word as to what the statement of the victim would have been if she had made a statement?

No, it's not weird in a case of rape - it's actually extremely common. The court often protects the victim from further mental stress. The rape crisis center could probably collaborate this.


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