Thursday, May 05, 2005

More On "Less Govt. Is More"

Here's one guy who has an entirely different take on that article I commented on, earlier on, on the Humboldt Republicans titled "Less Government is More".

This guy, Greg Connors, is really something. He suggests "Less Government", to the Republicans, means more for the rich and less for everybody else- the usual mantra of those on the Left. Less, of course, because all good things in this world are the result of government, in his eyes. Whatever. He also seems to be one of those folks that looks upon government, and especially government employees, as akin to some sort of god. He probably wouldn't see his comments as suggesting that, but I do. That's the kind of stuff that really makes my blood boil. Good job, if that's what you intended, Greg.

But, I think his commentary was mostly an innocent attempt at a plug for the Democrats in response to some publicity for the Republicans. It might well have impressed some of the more intellectually challenged up here. Didn't impress me.


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