Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Stoen Still Here

When I first saw the headline in the Times Standard, 'Stoen Steps Down...', I though maybe we might be getting rid of Tim Stoen, our local ambulance chaser for the State. I guess not since he's just going to be different things at the DA's office. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to learn to live with him.

Wonder if he has anything to do with filing charges against one of our local LPers who recently moved to Georgia. The guy lived up in Hoopa and had been having problems with one of his pot growing, ex felon neighbors. It eventually lead to a gunfight between the two. The other guy gets charged with something like being an ex felon in possession of a firearm. They didn't file any charges, at first, against Alan, a retired LA Sheriff's detective. Months later, after he moved out of state, they charge him with possession of a perimeter warning device or some such thing, whatever that means. Unbelievable. I'm tempted to write the DAs office in protest. Seems to me it would be best for all in this case to let sleeping dogs lie.


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