Monday, May 07, 2007

Greenhut Registers With LP

It came as somewhat of a surprise to me to hear the senior columnist for the Orange County Register, Steve Greenhut, will be ending his twenty five year relationship with the GOP and signing up with the Libertarian Party.

It's not that his libertarian sentiments weren't obvious, but he'd taken the LP to task many a time. I was actually surprised to hear he was registered to vote as a Republican, as well. I'd always assumed he was a Decline To State, or some such.

Welcome aboard, Steve! Anyone else that may want to follow suit, you can register to vote as a Libertarian using the link at the top of the Libertarian Party of Humboldt County web page.


At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Libertarian Party makes sense to traditional, Goldwater conservatives.


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