
Looks like more mindless, lynch mob mentality showing itself in the comments section of the Times- Standard regarding this 25 year old guy recently arrested for fooling around with kids. Pretty scary stuff to me, especially when the persecutors get all riled up when you suggest they calm down and at least wait until the trial is over before they pronounce the guy guilty. Haven't had that happen with this latest version of the story, but got some snide comments when it first came out.
I see is offering The Ox- Bow Incident on DVD for $7.49. Might be a good idea for some of the cooler heads out there to buy the movie and show it to some of the hotter ones. Even if that doesn't fly, it might be a good video to show your kids and their friends. I don't know that they show stuff like that in school anymore.
Haven't you learned ANYTHING Fred? If it was printed in the T-S first, they are guilty and need to hang, and if the person was a cop or suspected of kiddie rape, GUILTY WITHOUT A TRIAL.
It's the drug dealers that are the victims here.
That's why I support sexual violence cases to be kept somewhat confidential. It's the kind of thing that brings out the mob-ocracy.
If the public wants to get involved, they need to look at closed cases and their outcomes - and not interfere with the delicate process happening now.
Anon.r wrote, "It's the drug dealers that are the victims here.".
Not sure what that has to do with this case.
Since I was out of town, I heard aobut this case from my child that attends Loleta School. Apparently, she heard about it through a discussion with her peers that attend the Loleta Church. The kids are aware of it and are talking about it amongst themselves.
Yes, innocent until proven guilty. But the victim will have to live with the trauma for the rest of his or her life. I do agree that the comments on the T-S blog are on the extreme edge.
One in 5 girls and one in 7 boys are molested before age 18.
Thanks to deputy Troy Garey keeping and watchful eye on the neighborhoodand the Loleta Community.
Don't you wonder how the TS is getting all the investigatory details in the Gundersen case? Is the defense putting this all out in public? Or is it the DA? And if that much is given out, all the files must be considered public documents now, eh?
And Fred, you know you cannot mention the Ox Bow Incident in this town without mentioning Gallegos' FAMOUS plagiarism of someone else's paper on the topic... what was it 17 passages lifted and printed in the TS as Gallegos' My Word? And he lifted from JFK in another one... we really need copies of all of his writings to see how many others are plagiarized.
Wasn't that the story Gallegos plagiarized?
False allegations are not uncommon. Back when CAST was staffed by people who knew what they were doing, more than half the cases investigated were unfounded. Parental hysteria is a real phenomenon (Wenatchee, Fells Acres, Little Rascals, McMartin).
Officers pretty much have to arrest when they have probable, cause, but PC is a long way from guilty. Ask the Duke Lacrosse team.
8:24 AM wisely wrote that post Anonymously. People have had their lives ruined for saying less than that in public. (Even though what they said was true.)
"One in 5 girls and one in 7 boys are molested before age 18."
Carol, I have often heard such statistics. Tell me, if you can, how were these statistics gathered? Not as part of the McMartin Preschool prosecution, I trust?
Wht can you expect. The whole country is being conditioned to have a lynch mob mentality. Lots of people are absolutely certain Sadaam Heusein abetted the World Trade Center shootdown. Anyone who so much as thumbs their nose at a cop is considered a terrorist.
If you have a library card you can rent "The Oxbow Incident" free for a week from the Eureka branch, 2nd floor. I just saw it there.
To be fair, it never was a very good idea to thumb your nose at a cop.
Thanks Rose for bringing it up. The plagiarism I mean. It was pretty blatant stuff. What a loser.
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