Crime Up Locally
Strange that the front page of today's Times- Standard has a story about how crime is up in the county but I can't find it on their web site. Hmmm???
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
Strange that the front page of today's Times- Standard has a story about how crime is up in the county but I can't find it on their web site. Hmmm???
I guess that's what they're called. I hate them. Anyone know how to disable them in your browser?
This is twice I've seen the last name Kirk show up in the news in the last month or two. Last time, the Times- Standard had a story about some elderly lady, with a last name of Kirk, that led the cops on a leisurely car chase in Southern Humboldt. This time, some guy with the last name of Kirk gets hit over the head with a bottle down on a beach in Redway.
I'm calling b.s. on Paul Gallegos' latest My Word column, if only because I don't think Gallegos wrote it. I can actually understand the writing in this latest one, unlike the other two that were almost jabberwocky.
I might vote for him, if I lived there. I tried to embed the link, but it didn't work, so I just added the link.
This Santa Rosa Press- Democrat editorial takes a look at new banking laws taking effect July 1. They focus on the one that forbids banks from charging super high fees for covering charges made on debit cards with insufficient funds. Now you'll have to opt- in to get such overdraft coverage.
For those of you that didn't read about it on my Facebook page, it's official now. We're no longer with Suddenlink cable TV (except I have to call and cancel my service with Suddenlink). We're now on Dish Network satellite TV.
Ran into a rather odd situation while working yesterday. I was up on Pine Hill in Eureka mowing a lawn on the corner of Union and Madison.
The big bombers come to Eureka again. Wish I could go to the airport to see them. The B24J is usually my heavy bomber of choice when I'm playing Aces High. Do you think if I told them I'm a B24 pilot in Aces High they'd let me take theirs up for a spin?
I'd never heard of California's Lakeview Gusher until reading this story in the Los Angeles Times. The thing blew and 378 million gallons of oil gushed uncontrolled for 17 months until the well collapsed underground and sealed itself.
Anyone ever met Adrian Lamo? He's the guy that supposedly hacked the New York Times computer network and, more recently, turned in a U.S. soldier leaking classified information.
The New York Times has some commentary today from different talking (or writing) heads on the effects of Prop 14. None seem all that impressed with it and none seem to expect much change in Sacramento will occur because of it.
YESSS!!! Mike Downey wins the race for Sheriff with 66% of the vote, according to the latest figures at Heraldo's. Looks like I was pretty close with my prediction of a landslide for Downey. I figured it would be closer to 70%, earlier on, though.
Labels: Humboldt County Government
Today is Election Day and some of you get to go to the polls. I won't be going since I voted by absentee ballot two or three weeks ago.
Labels: California State Government, elections
Here's a pretty interesting look at what Afghanistan was like back in the 50s and 60s, assuming it's true. What makes me wonder is the first picture of the record store. The only writing I can see is in English. I would think there would at least be an Arabic version of the sign alongside the English one if that was really in Afghanistan.
The California Watchdog has a good read on the latest effort in the state legislature to ban plastic shopping bags. I am sympathetic to the problem of those plastic bags ending up all over the place, but they do have other uses and are recyclable. The recycling centers aren't accepting them now but you can recycle by returning them to the store.
Rain or shine!
My colleague, Richard Winger of the Ballot Access News, has a nice commentary on the "Hidden Zinger in Prop 14".