Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Adopt- A- Block: Already Doing It

Fun idea this Adopt- A- Block that the Eureka Chamber of Commerce is pushing. I wonder how many other folks have already been cleaning up their streets and sidewalks as I have? I started doing it a while back, having not seen the streetsweeper except maybe once or twice a year.

I don't do it on any particular schedule. I just grab a 5 gallon bucket and my Pik- Stik (Shafer's still has Pik Stiks for just over $20.00) when there's enough trash accumulating that I can't ignore it. It only takes 5 minutes or so to clean the area on both sides of my house and across the street. I think it's fun. I also take Round Up and spray the weeds on the sidewalk at least a couple times a year. That's fun, too.

Ironic, in a way, as last year the city sent us a nasty note about the overgrown ivy on the Trinity Street side of our house. That's since been cleaned up.


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous skippy said...

Good idea. I do the same thing. Maybe I shouldn't do this, but sometimes I use the water hose and nozzle to clean the walkway and sidewalk.

I also use Round Up, works great but maybe I shouldn't? They tell me it's not so good because this and our rare once-in-awhile lawn fertilizer washes into gulches and watersheds, being suspect in our loss of frogs and such. You know more about this.

A friend uses a-- I'm not sure how to describe it-- hand held weed burner. He says they're very effective, kills the root, and it's loads of fun!. He amusingly says, it's organic!

Didn't know Pik Stiks were so expensive, not much to 'em.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your taxes subsidize the C of C. The least they can do is get you to clean the streets. Eureka!

At 5:57 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I also use Round Up, works great but maybe I shouldn't? They tell me it's not so good because this and our rare once-in-awhile lawn fertilizer washes into gulches and watersheds,.

Round Up is one of the more benign herbicides. Within a week it breaks down into harmless alkaloids so run off really isn't a problem. It can be a problem if the spray drifts on to lawns and plants since it kills anything, but runoff shouldn't be an issue.

...hand held weed burner. He says they're very effective, kills the root.

I've seen those torch weeders. I'm surprised to hear they kill the roots. I don't see how they can do that.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

The fuel for those weed burners is propane, a FOSSIL FUEL (spit spit)! If they haven't been banned in Humboldt county the Proglifornia legislature will soon make their possession a capital offense.

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "curb appeal" of Eureka has gone way down over the last couple years. It was never very good to begin with, but the city never should have garaged its street sweeper. Every street should be sweeped at least once a week, or once every other. I appreciate the volunteer organization, but this is really something the city needs to pick up again - and force people to move their cars so that we know and remove the ones that are abandoned. Abandoned cars are everywhere in this town.

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

In case you haven't heard, the city needs to cut costs. That's why it's rare to see the street sweeper anymore.

As far as abandoned cars, if you notice one, call Eureka P.D. and ask for the Vehicle Abatement guy. Give him the location of the car and a description, including license number. They'll come out and tag the car. If it isn't moved within a certain amount of time the city will have it hauled away.

Keep in mind that costs the city money, too.


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