Input Needed: Dangerous Intersections in Eureka
Just noticed this online form at the Times- Standard web site. They want to know where Eureka's most dangerous intersections are. I'm guessing they'll be including the results of their survey in a story on traffic safety?
Off the top of my head I can't think of any intersections that stand out as being particularly dangerous. A few years ago I would have added Trinity & H Streets, heading west.
There used to be a small dump truck parked near the NE corner there. With the foliage alongside the sidewalk, it completely blocked the view north down H Street. If you wanted to cross H Street you had to slowly creep out to see as best you could past the dump truck. At some point, though, you had to just close your eyes, hope for the best and race across H Street as quick as you could.
That was hairy, but the dump truck was moved a few years ago.
The only other one I could think of is our corner at Trinity and E. We've had accidents here before because of poor visibility. It's likely to get much worse once the Matteoli's street trees get larger, but that might take a few years.
If you think traffic is bad now wait until green diamond gets done with the housing projects. And Richardson Grove gets widened combine with the willits bypass eureeka's going to get crazy.if you look at the proposed N.A.F.T.A trade route maps it looks like they want to use 101 as far north as Eureka to join up with 299 for international shipping although the maps aren't very well detailed it's kinda hard to tell
Hordes of people aren't going to start moving up here because of opening up, or bypassing, a couple bottlenecks on 101.
"Input Needed: Dangerous Intersections in Eureka";
Ans: All of them.
Not trying to be snide, but Ive lived in 4 huge cities, a few small towns, and really, the drivers from Fortuna to McKinleyville are the worst Ive (tried) to share the road with.
Stop signs mean nothing to people in Fortuna especially. Too many needless injuries and deaths for this tiny area.
Of course it won't happen all at once but just look at the past 10 years how many more people have moved into this area specially if there's more housing developments created when's the last time you've seen any infrastructure improvements especially on the local roads and I don't mean painting or patching potholes the fact is Eureka will 1 day look like San Francisco
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