Fred's Humboldt Blog
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I've begun to doubt if there are any libertarian minded people in the world. Most of us are born as control freaks in one way or another and we can't seem to break the mold. Letting go and letting things just be is not a growing trend, by any means.
That said, I've given up on politics, religion and sports and I'm SOOO much happier,
Most of us are born as control freaks in one way or another and we can't seem to break the mold.
Stand by for my next post.
I've given up on politics,...
Then why are you reading this blog?
Each of your blog posts are placed on the front page of the LOCO Outpost and I'm FORCED to read them. Just kidding. I only read your posts that i see on the locooutpost, i don't follow it religiously....
Ok. Wondered if that might be the case. I wouldn't have expected you to follow this blog religiously, though, since you've given up on religion.
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
It does appear that humans (when becoming adults especially) are "control freaks".
What is sad is that in relationships, the "control freakishnesses" tends to destroy the relationship overtime, thereby giving way to yet another example of enslavement (marriage).
Just like a pet dog, husbands, wives or partners tend to act like "slave masters" to their significant other all-too-often.
On a different thought, but relative to the destruction of relationbships.....:
Does the government force fathers to pay child support, spousal support, etc.... when the woman goes in for invitro fertilization via the test tube baby option? Or, do the courts discriminate against men only in the traditional "standardized" relationship called marriage? After all, not even GLBT's get tax subsidies and tax breaks like married men and women do.
I'm a communitarian. Used to say I'm a communitarian socialist but finally figured out that was redundant. Now I describe myself politically/economically as a communitarian capitalist. Dual Economic System: democratization of all individual and community support systems that are historically and scientifically established as vital to both individual and community health and well-being, e.g. land to grow crops on to feed the community, clean water, clean air, basic shelter, basic food, life long medical and social security at a basic level guaranteed every citizen without prejudice. Just like we don't put fire or police protection onto the free market system (used to and it was disasterously plagued with corruption) we need to take phone, computer access, water, and power, away from commercial exploitation. Same with insurance and banking. And education. Must be lifelong when needed to be to really compete in today's world. This is basic civilization as far as I'm concerned and will do as I have, politically fight for this. This is the socialized economy because that's economic democracy in action and its the cheapest way overall to pay for needed services when the cost is spread out.
Second level economic system is free market for the non-essential economy, the goodies, the zoo-zoos, the very best quality this or that to be had, rare items, ideas and designs and patents, movies and entertainment, in short, a huge economy by itself and there's where to let private property and need to be Individuals and Big Shots, Rich and Famous, etc, etc, (at a bunch of other individuals work effort-always hidden lest the fact be exposed No Man is an Island and we're all in this together whether we like it or not. Only health (includes environmental) and safety regulations to curb exploitation in the luxury economy. OK, who's voting for me when I run on the Humboldt County Commie Cap Party ticket? You know, the one HCCDC morfed into recently?
Sorry, HCDCC members..can't keep the alphabet soup letters from swimming.. must be getting hunchman of just desserts syndrome again. Where's the refrigerator..
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
Stephen, nah, that is your bowel grumbling from ingesting rotten eggs, and the smell, well, it is very two party systemish.
What will poor Stephen devolve into when the two party system is no longer? Self-sufficiency or groveling beggar?
Anyhow, how is God today Stephen? Is God guiding only the religiously indoctrinated? Nope, God is guiding money that people use to guide themselves. God is telling Americans it is ok to kill other cultures.
God is a bunch of bullshit crap and people like Stephen who believe in God are "trapped souls".
Time is not on God's side,
Methinks you protesteth overmuch there, hench, and it looks more like your projecting some tiff you've got going not being able to handle spiritual reality. If you've got a beef with God, I'd suggest you take it up with Them and by-pass us lower rung angels of perpetual peace and plenty. I'd suggest that but then I'd just be giving you another opening for your sound advice all over these popular local blogs whether we want to read it or not..but that goes for other too, perhaps even me unlikely as that seems..
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
by the read, HOJ can only go lower. Maybe Satan will open-up his or her it a him or a her? Being a Capricorn, already got the horns.
Dante, HOJ is coming for ya!
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