Weird Earthquake
Just felt a weird shaker. Unlike the bigger ones, this one didn't shake the walls. Only thing that brought it to my attention was the Wedgewood stove behind me shook like the dickens and I could really hear the rattling. Maybe the Big One is on the way?
4.1 felt it too in mack town
4.2 maybe
felt it in henderson center, for sure
Web site I checked said 4.5, although they often make changes.
That was weird. Walls didn't seem to shake much, but the stove sure shaked and made a ruckus.
That one was weird
i felt it in my garage- house walls shuddered twice - weird!!!
Felt it in Myrtletown. Usgs said 4.1 off the coast of Bayview. Im a ca native but my neighbor is from New Mexico and was freaking out. Lol.
...said 4.1 off the coast of Bayview.
Am I the only one questioning "Bayview"? I believe there's a street on Pine Hill named Bayview, but where is the other one? I'm thinking they meant Bayside? And shouldn't it have been more like 10 miles west of Arcata, rather than 12 miles west of Bayview or Bayside?
It was weird. Neither a sharp jolt nor a roll, like usual. Was it more of a lift?
The time for all of the sinners and filth of Eureka is coming. Behold the Lords hand as he shakes and rattles these lands with one mighty hand, while the other hand of Glory plucks the devil worshippers and whores and casts them into eternal damnation. Oh it will be frightful. Oh it will be troublesome. But the Light of the Lord will beam down upon us all, and in his righteous judgement the Lord shall call out "ALL OF YE WHO WORSHIP THE FATHER THE SON AND HOLY SPIRIT SHALL FIND COMFORT IN MY GOOD GRACES. THOSE WHO HAVE IGNORED ME WILL FIND ETERNAL HELLFIRE. PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS NOW, AND I WILL CONSIDER MERCY." So now for all of you filth, pray. Pray now. It is coming. JUDGEMENT in coming!
Bayview is the neighborhood east of the mall i believe. But it was off the coast.
It doesn't make sense that they'd give the location in reference to some place nobody knows and isn't even named on the map. Not sure I've seen them do it this way before.
Would it make sense to say an earthquake happened 25 miles SW of Cutten?
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
It was an "up and stop or up and slightly back down event", 2 second jolt it seemed.
Strike-slip or subduction movement?
Lori Dengler would know most likely,
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