Friday, September 27, 2013

Don't Wash That Chicken

Don't wash that uncooked chicken in water says this article from iVillage. Frankly, it never occurred to me to rinse off a chicken before cooking. I never did. Connie says she does depending on the circumstances. I guess doing so can spread pathogens over your kitchen area.


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Julie Timmons said...

I read somewhere that the most germ-laden place in most homes is the kitchen sink. Yikes!

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Michael J. McFadden said...

Very interesting. I cook chicken breasts at least several times a month and have ALWAYS rubbed them thoroughly under cold running water in the sink "to "wash off the salmonella" etc.

Duh. Somehow the scare-propaganda had bypassed ALL the normal thinking processes that would have informed me that since I am so thoroughly cooking the poor breast to kill the germies in the middles, that any poor old germies on the outside would most ***DEFINITELY*** be fried to a crisp before I'd be eating it.

Quite disturbing to think that such an obvious fact has just always slipped right by my mental gatekeepers thanks to the ubiquitous "Wash poultry thoroughly" messages out there.

MJM - who always washes his cigarettes thoroughly before lighting them.

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I read somewhere that the most germ-laden place in most homes is the kitchen sink.

That wouldn't surprise me. Sponges are supposed to be a real germ trap, too. They say to sterilize sponges by microwaving them.

Then there's that thing going around that asks which has more germs: your toilet seat or the steering wheel of your car? Supposedly the steering wheel of your car is much dirtier.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

...since I am so thoroughly cooking the poor breast to kill the germies in the middles.....

The point is that the bacteria gets washed off the chicken and spread around other parts of the kitchen that aren't subject to cooking and might not be cleaned thoroughly.

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who's ever seen the inside of a slaughter house would at the very least wash their chicken most won't even eat store bought chicken and its not becouse of bacteria


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