Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Recycling: No Pizza Cartons

I'd heard more and more places don't accept pizza delivery cartons for recycling. The reason being just one piece of cheese can ruin the whole lot. I then wondered if Willits Solid Waste accepts pizza cartons since they accept some things City Garbage used to not accept (Humboldt sends its recyclables to Willits Solid Waste).

Turns out they don't, either, according to their recycling brochure (pdf file). I've been putting my pizza cartons in the trash for some time. I guess I'll continue to do so. I'm sure most will continue to put them in the recycling bin. I'm often amazed to see what some throw in their recycling bins, even after being told they shouldn't.

Oh, and just to mention it again: Plastic shopping bags- those supposed "single use" plastic bags- shouldn't be put in the recycling bin, either. You can recycle those bags at the bins in the front of most grocery stores.


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