Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Misinfo On NCIS

Anybody else watch NCIS last night? 

For those that didn't, the main theme was some terrorist guy(s) that got hold of some old German S mines. Those were bounding anti- personnel mines developed during World War 2. They played it up that these were devastating, inhumane mines and the equivalent of a war crime to use.

They were booby traps and there are various international laws pertaining to land mines. What the show didn't point out, unless I missed it, was the United States has pretty much the same thing. You'll see the similarity in both design and action of the M16 series anti- personnel mine

We do it, too. Just thought I'd point that out.


At 9:17 AM, Anonymous A Guy said...

Uggh! Nasty business....

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

indeed we do..and then there are the cluster bombs, the bomblets that kill and maim children who later find the unexploded bomblets that look like toys.....grr


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