Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm Off To Vote

I'm heading out to the county elections office now to turn in my absentee ballot. I'd mail it, but I want to make sure my signature will be accepted. The rest of you probably shouldn't bother voting since I'll have nullified your vote before you even cast one. 

But, if you're voting as I instructed here earlier on, feel free to join me.Then we'll make a group thing out of it and your vote will be counted.


At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've wondered about that signature thing. How many ballots do they reject because of signatures? Do they notify you if your ballot was rejected or just keep rejecting it election after election unbenounced to you? I would have to drive a hundred miles to check. Meh!

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered if I spelled "unbenounced" wrong. I found this at urban dictionary

Oh well!

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not wait until election day? To physically go to the polls and to visit with the poll workers and neighbors makes the act of voting seem like an official duty of citizenship rather than just going to the election office. Plus you have a day-long anticipation of the results culminating in listening to or watching the election coverage. And one additionally benefit, you do not have to go through Security to vote at the polls.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

they said our lake county absentee ballots should be delivered to us by oct. 24 . they being printed right now and be mailed to us soon
lake county suks . everything is so slow here except crime

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

"Do they notify you if your ballot was rejected or just keep rejecting it election after election unbenounced to you?"

I was in the Elections Office years ago, shortly after I started voting absentee. Sor some reason the subject of signatures came up so I wrote my signature down and asked the clerk if she would have accepted mine compared to the one they have on file. She said definitely not and that they were totally different, although she didn't show me the one they had on file.

This time I went in and the clerk told me my signature was an exact match, but it wouldn't have mattered much. I don't remember her exact words but she gave me the impression they don't pay much attention to signatures now.

They record who votes, so you can ask them if your vote was counted the last few elections.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

"Why not wait until election day? To physically go to the polls and to visit with the poll workers and neighbors makes the act of voting seem like an official duty of citizenship rather than just going to the election officeM."

Because I figure that's beneath me. If nothing else, ir reminds me of the movie The Time Machine, where the siren goes off and the Eloi stiffen up, get blank looks on their faces and walk down the caves where the Morlocks eat them. I suppose in a way that's what's happening on Election Day- everyone walks down to the precinct and contributes to their own doom.

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one man, black.... (let's call him Bill) gets accused of sexual assault over decades by multiple women and is in court and headed to jail.

another man, white.... (let's call him Bill) gets accused of sexual assault over decades by multiple women and is on the campaign trail to the White House with Michelle AND Barack Obama's blessing.


At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SO SPOT ON! When will people wake up?

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:48, that's a hoot.

One man, let's call him Donald, is accused by several women of sexual abuse. And he'll do no jail time even though in some states what he has apparently done could earn him a year in jail. For each offense.

One woman, let's call her Hillary, has never been accused of inappropriate behavior of any sort by anyone is heading to the White House with the backing and blessing of two of the finest people to have every served our country. Michelle and Barack Obama.

Now, are there black men in prison for gun or drug possession while some white men never serve time for the same offense? Yep.

Do cops sometimes shoot black men when they would 'talk down' white men? Certainly seems to be the case.

We've got work to do....

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear 'Anon' at 1:48;
Grow the hell up. Politicians arent saints, and the media has you convinced
Hillary is a criminal. Fine. Instead, hand the country over to a misogynistic, sociopath, a lying con-man with the temperament of a spoiled 4 year old?
Our own military wont support him! Have even warned us about him! NO ONE will support him.
I think I'll vote for a professional who at least knows what she is doing.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Kym Kemp would know, she refers to it often when censoring.

What about unbeknownst?

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

HOJ votes NO on everything.

HOJ avoids voting any party affiliations for office holders.

"Deez Nuts" gets HOJ's write-in vote.

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

You would vote for someone who knows what they are doing when they are fucking you up your own ass? Got it, a precarious sociosexual position to uphold for politicians, and here HOJ thought blow jobs and sexual favors pushed politicians up hill......all along it is the lesser of two evils, still.........Go Kap!

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

You would vote for someone who knows what they are doing when they are fucking you up your own ass? Got it, a precarious sociosexual position to uphold for politicians, and here HOJ thought blow jobs and sexual favors pushed politicians up hill......all along it is the lesser of two evils, still.........Go Kap!

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Fred.
I'm almost aligned with you. I'm voting no way on all except the death penalty one. Too many have been unjustly accused & dna is faulty at best.
I will, of course as you very well know by know, write-in DARRELL CASTLE for p and SCOTT BRADLEY for vp.
If Ca doesn't have enough electors for their eligibility, then I'll probably leave that vote blank, nota.


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