The Ozy e-mail list looks at ways people on the West Coast might avoid a President Trump. One movement that seems to be gaining steam is a secession movement where parts of Northern California, all of Oregon and Washington and some of western Canada would form their own country, called Cascadia, and secede from the United States.
Easier said than done, to be sure. The biggest problem likely being financial dependence of California and the West Coast on Washington D.C. People won't willingly give up all their government benefits no matter what is promised in return. Then again, being a separate country, Cascadia could just print money to pay for everything just as Washington D.C. does now.
It might also require civil war as some, even in California, suffer from blind nationalism that would never let them willingly leave the U.S. The thought of civil war doesn't bother me much. I've long felt we're past the point where our political differences can be settled peacefully. The problem from a libertarian standpoint would be deciding who to side with, although I suspect the lefty Cascadia types don't own much in the way of guns.
As for me, if this effort ever came to fruition, it would likely compel me to leave the west for the east. It's bad enough living in California, which probably has the largest concentration of stupid people on the planet, if not the world. I can't imagine being stuck in a whole country full of Californians although, secession or not, those people will still be here.
since washington and oregon are both liberal voting states and canada is anti gun
i would move to nevada or idaho
go from one totatly skewered libtard state to a libtard country
Exactly what I was thinking. Thanks for writing that for me. This is a big day. Are celebrations in order? We actually agree on something.
im celebrating 9th circuit court ruling on medical marijuana licenses more than agreeing with you . i agree lots with you even though i dont respond to your posts
9th circuit court says got pot license ? NO GUNS for you
so dont get your license you were thinking about
but thats a different story
"It's bad enough living in California, which probably has the largest concentration of stupid people on the planet,.."
PLEASE. Leave then. Dick.
"NO GUNS for you
so dont get your license you were thinking about
but thats a different story "
I don't need one now that Prop 64 passed.
There's always the State of Jefferson hope.
Let's form Cascadia, and then build a wall to separate us from Trumpland.
The ruling is easily where in the US Constitution does it have disqualifiers for gun ownership based upon alcohol or drugs.....and no where is "should" used to decide who is allowed or not allowed to own a gun based on influences of outside sources. Only criminals can have gun rights become a criminal is first, then gun takings.
Drink coffee, got trigger happy twitchy fingers like a doughnut cop at a coffee shop......
......if pot, then coffee, sugary drinks, etc.....twitchy trigger finger....
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