We Don't Need More Trees
The Lost Coast Outpost kinda makes my point for me- me seeming to be the lone voice in the wilderness opposing Eureka's Street Tree program. They report on inmate work crews cutting down some old trees in Old Town. I suspect those trees were part of the natural foliage that's existed there for some time. Still, it shows what we have to look forward to as more trees are crammed in to our sidewalks and such.
The Outpost notes problems caused by these older natural trees. In particular, the Eagle House:
"....new owners are making a “significant investment” to upgrade the late 19th century inn, and were concerned with mold growing on the exterior part of the building, which was being shaded by the trees, which needed to be removed to accommodate the upcoming improvements."
Do we need to exacerbate these sorts of problems with a city encouraged and run tree planting program? I should think not. There's no shortage of shade, or trees, in Eureka as it is.
You obviously haven't ridden a bike through town lately. I'm always surprised by the lack of trees. Particularly along that barren stretch along the bay. I think putting in some of those beautiful pines like the old growth ones in the dunes: slow growing, good with crappy soil, and pretty.
As you seem to have written, we have enough trees here already.
Fred, those birds you like in your backyard need trees to perch in.... and no there isn't enough trees in Eureka to break up the power lines the power poles the concrete and steel look that you have every 360-degree View.
The problems are the type of tree and the lack of Maintenance of course you gotta trim the branches on trees and make sure the trunk is about 10 to 12 foot high off the ground before the branches start.... trees are not rocks, buildings in the sense of they just sit there...... Trees grow and need to be maintained.......its not hard,but less people like to get down and dirty doing the outside work.....they like to be elitist wannabees and do paperwork.
There are a number of studies which clearly show a positive relationship between urban street trees and property values as well as a number of other quality-of-life indicators for urban residents. As others have mentioned, it is important to get the right tree in the right place to avoid some of the problems that can arise and to take care of the trees.
What is wrong with trees? with everything going on in this world you bitch about planting trees? I have been to cities without any green. It is no wonder they kill each other with relative impunity. We didn't evolve to be city dwellers.
The same logic could be applied to the buildings themselves:
If not maintained over time the buildings can become unsightly or dangerous.
And like well maintained buildings, well maintained trees and foliage adds value to individual parcels and the neighborhood as a whole.
So in the end they are worth the investment if a person or the municipality has the resources to do so.
Move to McKinleyville where they put green paint in the bike Lanes as some artsy-fartsy pork barrel project while homeless people hobble around in the cold.
Ya, the buildings have a longer shelf life if you will for being able to not have a bunch of shit in the way to take care of it over time where as a tree if left unmaintained can grow tentacles off of it like nobody's business or lift up the ground....... Now describe a building that just a lifts up out of the ground on its own.
And the vertical habitat that's created with the foliage in the trees
Chirp chirp chirp ker kuh kew ker kuh kew chirp chirp chirp...... hear that Fred those are the birds that you like hanging out in the tree above your yard so when you're an old man got nothing better to do but watch the birds and the bees at least you got something beautiful listen to and if you're a nice guy put some black oil seeds out for the little birdies theyll come down to the feeder and you can watch them and enjoy mother nature, but warning, they like quiet........
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