Show And Tell

Remember Show- and- Tell when you were in elementary school? I do it here occasionally.
Anyway, I've mentioned before one of my few hobbies is entering sweepstakes and, yes, I do win things. This Alienware computer I'm using right now was probably my biggest win. My Canon personal copier probably my next biggest. I've also won all kinds of lesser prizes through the years.
This Belkin Messenger laptop case is my latest win. I won it a month or two ago as an instant win in the Dell ATG Holiday Gift Upgrade sweepstakes. When it told me I'd won it I wasn't really sure what I'd won as I'd never heard the name before. It just said I'd won a Belkin Messenger. What the heck is that, thought I.
I'd actually forgotten about that win but, for some reason, kept thinking that something should show up on my doorstep eventually as it had been some time since I'd won anything. Sometimes they don't tell you you've won. They just ship the prize to you.
So I'm out in my garage yesterday and UPS stops in the middle of the street, in front of my house. I figured it was something Jeannette, across the street, ordered. She's always getting stuff delivered. Nope, he comes up to me and gives me a big box.
Once I opened the box and read the enclosed letter I remembered I'd won this thing. I'm surprised at the quality. Pretty nicely made nylon notebook carrying case. Design is pretty much the same as the one that came with the laptop some of you gave me but it's nylon.
Pretty cool, huh?
I didn't think anybody ever won any of those contests, Fred! Congrats!
You can't win, if you don't enter!
Yep, I win a few things each year but, actually, if I think of how many sweeps I've entered- some of them multiple times- compared to how many things I've won, that can be a bit depressing.
I spend about an hour every morning entering sweeps and win very few of those I enter. Still, I've had some good wins. My philosophy is that somebody's going to win and it could just as easily be me as someone else.
I guess I saw the Dell sweepstakes and probably didn't enter it.
Would you publish a list of various sweepstake addresses so maybe a couple of us could enter??
Well, I can't publish individual sweeps as I enter too many of them. It would take forever to do that, even if I wanted to. But, here's a free site that I check every day for new sweepstakes. The owner of the site is pretty good about adding new stuff:
My other main site (and favorite site) is a pay site:
Try logging into the new blogger in Draft, Fred - once you're signed in, click here click here
You can add a blog roll that shows the most recent posts of all your faves - and I think you can add the feed to that site you list above (not positive) - you can also add widget/gadgets, lots of fun stuff, recent comments...
I think you'll like it.
Congrats on your wins Fred! I've been entering sweepstakes for over 25 years and have won 1000's of prizes including 7 Trips-So keep Entering & Winning.I also have a Free Online Sweepstake Group for anyone to join-we have about 200 members and we post about 400+ sweeps a month-all legit-Only for US & Canadian Residents-web addy is:
I'll go ahead and post the above regarding the Yahoo Group, but I'd be a bit leery about getting involved. The group looks a bit odd to me. Next to no information on it compared to most legit Yahoo Groups.
If anyone wants to check it out further by trying to join, let us know how it goes.
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