Sunday, December 06, 2009

Marks' Credentials

Cracks me up, this statement from today's Times- Standard editorial on our very own Richard Marks:

"...a longtime Democrat with progressive credentials, Marks has also long served as an advocate of the working class, and knows that jobs and employment are absolutely imperative for any future that includes big plans for Humboldt Bay.".

I'm surprised the editorial staff at the T-S realized the difference between the two: Progressive Democrat vs. advocate of the working class.



At 9:24 AM, Blogger samoasoftball said...

And then we can start debating once more on just what a "Progressive" really is.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

In Humboldt County "Progressive" is code for anti-corporate Green Party cross-overs to control the local Democratic Party. They are political enemies of Humboldt County working Democrats and consistently work hard to dismantle each and every industrial business or business enterprise that could create more jobs. Local Progressives are anti-jobs and a bane to working class people in Humboldt County. But they are very well organized and very vocal. They can and will trash the reputations of anyone in the community who dares contradict their political aims. I await to see if Richard has the cojones to stand up for job creation and reestablishment of industrial anchor businesses in Humboldt County against his Progressive "allies"..

At 6:32 PM, Blogger mresquan said...

Green Party crossovers?I can think of Michael Winkler who is on their central committee,but that's about it,or maybe Bob O who just switched registration.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Carol said...

mresquan, I believe Bob O switched parties a couple of years ago.

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Rose said...

"Progressive" means kill every job opportunity in the county, state and nation. Drive up costs, increase taxes and regulations, big government.

I don't think that defines Richard Marks at all, and I am baffled that he would continue to buy into that BS agenda.

BTW - It is clear the "progressives" don't like him - they use him when they want to, but he ain't really invited to the party.

At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Mike Buettner said...

"Progressive" means anyone who disagrees with Rose.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Mark, that's beneath you. I can't help but think you know there is a problem with self- described "progressives", as they're known on the North Coast.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger samoasoftball said...

Just for the record. I seem to have had no "progressive" allies. At least this election.

Kicked to the curb.

But as far as a Social Liberal, I have credentials that can not be questioned. Been public for years.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Joel Mielke said...

And there aren't problems with self-described "conservatives," and so-called "libertarians"?

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Joel Mielke said...

Richard is sounding like a sore winner.

At 3:48 PM, Blogger samoasoftball said...

Joel: I haven't figured out my niche yet as a Whinner, Wiener or a Winner.

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Steve Lewis said...

Well, just don't make it Wimp, Mark. You go stand up for the working class needs because they constitute the bedrock of Humboldt County's economy, not the Progs with their HSU student/State or pot funded jobs.

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Joel Mielke said...

Go with the latter. You'll do a great job.

At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Joel Mielke said...

My comment was to follow Richard's. Thanks for the confusion, Fred.


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