Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mindless Environmentalism

I've never understood these proposals for removing the Hetchy Ketchy Dam. The Hetchy Ketchy Dam, for those of you in Arcata, is the main source of drinking water for San Francisco. How anyone in this state thinks it would make sense to remove the main source of drinking water for one of the state's most populous cities when most of the state is already parched is beyond me.

At least some are speaking out against the proposal and, from the comments made on the commentary, looks like most readers agree.
I'm starting to like plastic shopping bags more and more. Well, maybe not that much but I'm fit to be tied the more I hear about existing and proposed bans on plastic shopping bags.

Hey, I've love my green Winco reusable shopping bag and the wife also has a number of them. But now, if she forgets to take them to the store with her, I realize it's no big deal since our bags end up being recycled and people get paid to manufacture plastic shopping bags.

Of course, the plastic bans aren't good enough for some. Now a number of communities are thinking of banning paper shopping bags, or requiring stores charge for using them. Paper bags- a renewable resource- that can be recycled or even composted. Nope. Can't use them. We'd have to cut down some trees to do that.

If they end up banning both that will be two more things we can't buy, use or MANUFACTURE in California. The last thing these enviros care about is jobs and the people that need them.


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you are griping about plastic bags and people celebrating Christmas, Leonidas (a true libertarian) is taking on the big issues in his December 23rd post. TSK, TSK...

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ignore the carping critics, Fred. Continue to "trust your gut."

At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I believe it is the Hetch Hetchy dam you refer to.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Rosco said...

Re restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley:

It is not so difficult to make a few relatively minor plumbing changes to San Francisco's system that will ensure that high quality Tuolumne River water can continue to flow to the Bay Area without storing it in the National Park.

Read the reports EDF, UC DAVIS, USBR, RHH - it is not just advocates but engineers as well that agree that it can be done.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Humboldt heretic said...

" is not just advocates but engineers as well that agree that it can be done."

What's a few billion $ to an environmentalist? They will get an injunction in order to thwart the alternative anyway.


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