Eureka City School Board Election
The Freddy seems to have shut down another discussion, albeit unintentionally. Was it something I wrote?
Eric Kirk announced a meet and greet for candidate for the Eureka City Schools' Board, Lisa Olivier. Her opponent is long time incumbent John Fullerton. A few of us went back and forth over that, mostly focusing on endorsements. The Olivier meet- and- greet was being sponsored by the Eureka Teacher's Association- a big minus in my book, but I suggested we focus on the issues involved.
My gut feeling is there isn't much difference on issues between the two candidates as both are likely to support the status quo. Might there be some actual difference of opinion on some pertinent issues? I brought up the recently proposed shutting down of Eureka High School's auto shop program. Fullerton opposed that. What's Olivier's position?
The only comment made after that was whether Olivier was related to a past harbor commissioner. Looks like this will be another us versus them election with endorsements and relationships holding the weight and specific issues being irrelevant?
As far as the election goes, I might sit this one out if no differences on issues come into play.
Shut down? I didn't think so. I think you have good questions. I don't have any anwsers right now, but I did write a long letter to each asking them to have a chat over coffee. I doubt I'll hear from John, I will be volunteering with Lisa, so let me know if you have any specific questions.
Sometimes good (real) answers take time.
Are specific issues irrelevant you ask.
Not hardly. But it is hard to debate specific issues when my opponent is as silent as a Church Mouse.
I did hear from Mr. Fullerton and have not yet from Mrs. Ollivier. John has answered some of my questions and so it doesn't seem like I'm self-promoting I'll post some of them here when I get a chance today or tomorrow. Thank you for participating in a public discussion John!
aka Jon Yalcinkaya
She is busy (I'm sure). It can't be easy to run a campaign and real life. I know you do to, but we have to allow for this. I think we should be encouraging people to take the dive into politics. It's difficult and definitely public service as the pay is not commensurate with all the work and negativity you all take.
Trust me, I know, it takes a while to develop the ability to communicate in public. I'm getting the typing down, but still can't cold call or public speak for the life of me.
She is busy, I am busy.
Is she aware that a good school board member for Eureka City Schools has to put in 30-40 hours a month on school business?
I recall some guy who was running for Eureka City Council dropping out of the race after he spoke with someone who was on the council and found out how much of his time it would likely take up.
It’s the DCC’s attempt, as they’ve been doing of late, to turn non- partisan races into partisan ones.
Please. This is so annoying to me. Every race is partisan. We have elections to direct policy we direct policy by having political discussions. To pretend otherwise is to either be willfully ignorant or deceptive.
The Republicans (and conservative third partiers apparently) are interested in de-politicizing races to minimize interest. The less interest the less voters. The less voters, the more the oligarchy and money are favored. There is no reason School Board elections should not be polical. Education, if you haven't noticed, is hugely politcal. Conservatives would love it if we unilaterally disarm.
Have you heard Glenn Beck on Common Core for example? Republicans on charter schools and vouchers? Education is political. Deal with it and join the debate.
"It’s the DCC’s attempt, as they’ve been doing of late, to turn non- partisan races into partisan ones."
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of politics. That is exactly the HCDCC's job. They are a group of people that come together to promote their interests. They do this by helping to find and then supporting through endorsements, infrastructure and LIMITED money candidates that promote small d democratic values as defined by their current membership.
The Republicans are or should be doing the same thing. If this doesn't happen, then do you know what will rule (to an even greater extent?) Not people! Money. If you are concerned about not having a voice, the way you change this is by joining one of the parties. Ron and Rand Paul understand this. You do not.
Instead of joining and working towards ends (like a more parlimentary sytem which would allow for 3rd Parties? I would join you on this.)....instead of doing the hard work, you fantasize of a day when you and other's have the courage or initiative to inflict the rest of us with necessary and justified violence.
I'm not letting that go until you disown it, because it sickens me (and is dreadfully wrong).
Not everything is partisan Jon.
School boards deal with issues of running schools. There you will find Democrats & Republicans on different sides of all issues.
When I was fighting to keep Jefferson school open were you aware that the then Superintendent who was insisting on closing it was a Democrat? The three board members who voted to close it were 1 Democrat, 1 Republican & 1 Decline to State.
Did you know the two who voted to keep it open were 1 Republican and 1 Democrat?
When I fought to keep the Auto Shop open this past summer the vote originally was 3-2 to close it. The principle who wanted to close it I am pretty sure is a Democrat.
The 3 board members who voted to close it are; 2 Democrats and 1 Decline to State. The two who voted to keep it open are 1 Republican and 1 Democrat.
There you will find Democrats & Republicans on different sides of all issues.
Or, another way of looking at it: "There you might find Democrats and Republicans on the same sides of issues."?
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