Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Gas Attack Numbers Phony?

I was wondering about the numbers being thrown around in regards the recent chemical attack in Syria. The first I heard it was something like 1300 fatalities, then it went down and stayed around 300 to 400. Then the other day John Kerry started saying 1400+(?). I figured Kerry was just boosting the numbers to get people worked up.

It seems I was right. Thank you for this short look at the numbers. Seems fatalities were in the hundreds as some others were saying. To be fair there's probably no way to know the exact number of casualties, but Kerry was obviously inflating his for propaganda purposes.

As an interesting aside, here's a timeline put together of the progression of the false flag operation against Syria. I thought I was pretty good about catching not- widely- reported news. I missed most of these stories.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger Rose said...

Don't worry. It was all just your imagination. Obama didn't draw a red line. And it's all gonna be Congress's fault, you see.

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous democratic Jon said...

I'm with you. I hate number pumping. But what's your point. 300 ok, 1400 not? I know what your point is. It is a false flag op by the rebels. Whatever. I'm glad this adversarial system exists because sometimes it allows us to get to a closer reality. (ie 300). But so you know, this statist is for this congressionally limited intervention because of the close to 90,000 dead. Not 300 or 1000 dead with chemical attack. This is the red line which gets the international law community interested, but I was on board on McCain's intervention talk way back when. Right after Libya in fact.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John you do realize that the rebels are doing most of the killings including burning churches and killing minority groups oh yeah let's not forget parading nuns around as prisoners of war Assad is no angel cake but compared to the Muslim Brotherhood he is not as bad and the fact that the rebels the same rebals that we finance may be responsible for the chemical attack should make every American's blood boil cuz in essence our government is paying them to kill civilians not to mention the fact that 60 some odd percent of the rebels are al Qaeda how could anybody support that


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