Manning Clemency Petition
I'm not real enthused about this but went ahead and signed it. Here's one of those White House petitions asking the president to grant clemency to Bradley Manning. 79,628 signatures needed to reach 100k as I write this. Once it reaches 100k, the president is supposed to respond to the petition one way or the other.
Are you guys retarded, Do rules only apply to people you agree with? Would you feel the same if i leaked your medical records to the media. What if you had an abortion would it be ok for me to leak to your community that you had one. could i leak your bank info. or do you only it ok this guys leaked military secrets. he didnt have to enlist.
I've wrote here before I don't see the Manning leaks in the same light as Snowden's. Manning's seemed to me to be more an act of vandalism than an altruistic act.
I do think Manning should do some time, but probably not as much as he's been sentenced to.
Truth be told I wouldn't have a problem with Snowden being given 2 or 3 years just for violating security, but that's it. Other than that I think Snowden performed a public service.
I do think we have an obligation to keep secrets when it's our assigned duty.
"Henchman Of Justice" says
Secrets are only effective for the non-religious types because God sees everything. A country of secrets is partly what causes the downfall of America.
So be it then,
Third time is a charm. I signed that petition yesterday thanks to this post FM.
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