Gun Stuff
More fun stuff from the Punk Rock Libertarians Facebook page.
Addendum: Radley Balko discusses some comments and criticism by police of his recently published book, Rise of the Warrior Cop.
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I never get this argument. Im confused, do we start killing police officers or members of our military? Either way, good luck!!!
Apparently you never read the constitution or any of the famous quotes of the men who wrote it
The constitution? It doesn't mention killing cops or soldiers. Your reply was empty. Don't be such a blind follower.
The constitution says we have a right and a duty to abolish a unjust government that's why the second amendment was added to the bill of rights please go back and read some fucking history books that weren't written in texas
"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …" Samuel Adams quoted in the un Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"
The F
I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." George Mason Co-author of the Second Amendment during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788
"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." George Washington First President of the United States
That's all the time I have to educate ignorance today ;-) but there are hundreds of other quotes that echo the same thoughts
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