Monday, September 02, 2013

Wondering About Weather Forecasts

It's 68 degrees right now according to When I woke up their forecast was for a high of 63 yet it was already 63 at 6am. Even I felt sure it would get warmer than 63.

I'm not sure how long it's been, but for at least five days their forecast high has been at least five degrees low. It might have been as much as ten degrees that first real warm day. This happened earlier in the summer, too.

I'm just wondering. If you were doing the weather forecasts, and for a few days your high forecast was well below what ended up happening, wouldn't you just go ahead and up the forecast at least five degrees despite what your equipment predicted- especially if it's 63 in the morning and you know it's going to get warmer?


At 1:38 PM, Anonymous just me said...

"Traditional weather observation points are set up by the National Weather Service. For further information on your topic, please go to the National Weather Service web site for detailed information:

Additionally, The Weather Channel has its own proprietary technology called TruPoint that goes beyond the NWS sites and pinpoints weather for exact locations. For more information on TruPoint, visit "

jim @ chan 3 (awe i miss the fella, hope he is well!)use to say the temp. readings were taken at the arcata airport.

i think the airport would have cooler temps being their location.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I understand now they're taken at the NWS office at the Marina. I've also heard there's some weather stuff on that big water tower on Harris Street in Eureka.


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