Eureka City Schools Election: I Voted
I wrote earlier I might just sit out the election for Eureka City Schools board. It didn't take long for me to change my mind.
First, you have the challenger, Lisa Olivier, who doesn't seem to have any reason for running other than the generic We need change. She can't say just what needs to be changed. Then again, we can't be sure just what she thinks as she's nowhere to be found.
She was invited to discuss issues on a thread over at Eric Kirk's blog but never showed up. Her supporters, such as they were, tried to make some sort of case for her but failed miserably. John Fullerton did show up and kicked ass.
I've also been led to understand Olivier declined invitations to discuss school board issues in any public forum.
The worst part is the local Democratic Central Committee trying to make this a partisan race. They sent a couple letters to the Times- Standard suggesting people vote for Olivier simply because she's a Democrat, then tried to fabricate some issues to use against Fullerton but those didn't hold much water. They obviously just want to put a stuffed shirt with a D next to her name on the board for partisan purposes.
If nothing else, their complaints would have been more properly directed at the Democrats that maintain a majority on the board, not that it really matters. As John Fullerton has pointed out, the votes taken by board members generally have nothing to do with political affiliation. Votes are often mixed with Fullerton, the sole Republican, voting with or against the Democrats and an Independent.
Trying to turn this into partisan race is reason enough to vote for John Fullerton. After all, the challenger can't come up with one specific issue on which she differs with Fullerton. If there's no legitimate issues involved, then at least the Democratic Central Committee deserves a slap down for trying to turn this into a Democrat vs. Republican thing.
For that reason alone I cast my vote for John Fullerton a week or so ago. I hope many others do the same.
Good for you, Fred. If I lived in McKinleyville I'd vote for Dan Johnson just because he's been made a target for the local Prog lynch mob mental cases running Humboldt County Democratic Party politics and turning them into Green Meanies. Green Meanies who have no political agenda other than to conduct a public smear campaign against Republican businessmen seriously violating their civil right and community reputations. Dan should sue Judy Hodgson and Ryan for libel as they turn the NCJ into a political character assassination machine. I've never seen such dirty politics in my life conducted by the evil people at the NCJ and HCDCC. I am going to make sure to turn to Danco for our Project's eco-community building expertise and I hope other Humboldt County people do the same. Dan's taken hits no man should in Humboldt County just because of his politics aren't green enough for ugly Prog political climbers who care nothing about community integrity and ethical conduct.
Hi everybody!
I disagree. More later.
Fred, would you ever be interested in an online conversation? You know I'd be civil per my voice online, if I haven't been civil, or logical, or fair, or whatever, point me to where I haven't been and I will change that for the conversation. (Including your admission about know...b/c that is a no doubt debate loser for you -at least imho- and I would want to be fair)
Let me know. Consider this an open invitation forever. I don't want to be the one who shuts down a conversation. I believe if there is a conversation than baloney like this post won't fool as many people.
I want to disarm this cultural war with words because in the end, we are all Americans. What you and Stephen are doing , whether you know it or not is buying into the KINS blather about good v evil. This is not that. This is simple disagreements about values and policy which is often best expressed and organized by party. (Often not-see any post I write on Supervisor Bass or Fennell for example) So, Fred, I know the disdain you have for me, the feeling is NOT mutual, maybe we can have an online discussion and answer so of each other's questions? I think it would be a useful excersize and it could be as simple as an open comment zone. Let me know, as I said, consider it an open invitation, so when ever you are ready.
DemocraticJon, running interference for your Prog gangsters does nothing to alter their dirty politics. You can put your smiley face on Prog hypocrisy and yes, evil attempt to virtually lynch Dan Johnson in public. I've never seen such cowardly acts of political people in Humboldt County in all the years I've been except for when Darryl Cherney organized an Earth First! mob attack on John Campbell accusing Campbell of trying to "murder" an E.F! yahoo who was later kicked out of E.F! for attacking tourists in Lake County. Cherney also led an anti-Christian choral group singing Darryl's Jewish hatred of Christmas by twisting the words to accuse Campbell of murder again. This is the type of slanderous crap level that Judy and Ryan are at now using the NCJ as a hit rag to assassinate another Christian Republican businessman with ADL/AIPAC type of gutter smearing another person's reputation.
You won't apologize Jon for your fellow Prog hypocrites and vicious slanderers because they'd disown you if you did and where would your political climb be then?
Apologize to Dan Johnson, DemocraticJon, and then maybe we'll believe your sincerity but this attempt to defuse Fred's blog's political power is not going to fly if you continue to support Prog activists playing dirty pool with Humboldt County citizens' lives.
hi stephen, I don't know where to start so I'll just say hi and wish you well today, it's a beautiful day out there.
Comment deleted. Gratuitous insults not allowed.
Hey, DJ, I told you where to start but you're not interested in resolving the issue of your cohorts using lynch mob tactics in an attempt to destroy the reputation of a local Republican businessman who's only "crime" it seems is the exact same one the Green Meanies' mascot in highest law enforcement office committed without one word of criticism by the Prog lynch mobsters. Judy Hodgson leads the lynch mob's attack rag, the NCJ. I think the NCJ's enterview and letter to the editor selection by NCJ editors deserves an award for Yellow Journalism. AIPAC would be proud and so is Silvernale, head Green Meanie, who seems to have learned how ADL Jewish slander and libel tactic can be used to destroy the reputations of Gentiles in their way. That's something you could work on, DJ. Feel some shame for the dirty tricks being used against Dan Johnson and do something to stop yours and mine 2%-ers from wrecking reps from the 98% of American citizenry.
Stephen, if you insist, I'll address your concerns, if nothing else to model a behavior for Fred. I came here to see if Fred is interested in a conversation, apparently not, so I won't bother you anymore Fred.
But let me leave you with my theory as to why I'm left but I'm right. The right's argument (and you are right of center Fred even if you won't admit it to yourself - there is a spectrum and you are on the right - not on all things, but on the large majority - and I could prove it if we had an ongoing conversation) Back to my point - The right's argument has to be made insularily - without input from dissenting views. Listen to Rush and Glenn and even Michael Medved. Their arguments ultimately succeed because they have the power of the microphone. (add Bill OReilly to the list too). Left of center institutions like Universities and most newspapers are the oppostite, dissenting views are encouraged. I know the right wouldn't believe this, but it's true. Once an orthodoxy has been established (ie climate change) I would agree with the right that the university and newspapers would mostly be of one mind, but that because of the preponderance of evidence.
So anyway, back to my offer. It's open and I think it's extremely important to have. I doubt I'll see you, but I wish I would. I'm not leading you into a trap - I would understand that during an election season which is why I'm quite on that right now. I'm talking about the long periods between elections when we should be able to address our fundamental differences. If we don't, then we will continue to resemble an intellectual armed camps with two completely different intellectual universes. I believe to my core that these parallel universes of thought need to be short circuited so we don't think of the unspeakable (except for those brave people like you who think it and say it).
Stephen, I'm really busy, but I'll put it on my list to answer your questions here. Probably tomorrow, K?
Too busy to do the right thing, eh DJ? You're all talk and a lot of it. Where's your commitment to defend Humboldt County citizens from gang rape ad hominen attack by your fellow Prog cohorts in character assassination crime?
Hey Stephen, I'm here now. So let's start where? Gang rape? Don't know what you are talking about you'll have to elaborate. Character assasination crime? Ok, you must be speaking specifically about your favorite topic Dan Johnson. I am speaking for myself, not any prog (to use your language) or HCDCC (to use Fred's language). I think we've discussed this before right? I think Dan should be removed by the board. Do my politics make me biased? Maybe they do, I am not the one to judge, I'll leave that to you. I would like to think a progressive or liberal on the Board a) wouldn't have made that mistake, b) would have appologized after making the mistake, c) would have stepped down. Bill Clinton didn't step down and I probably would have liked him too, but the underhanded way his partisan opponents went after him makes me glad he didn't. So maybe you are right, maybe I wouldn't have acted the exact same way. Fair? Criminal character assassination? How so? On Fred's blog shouldn't we be celebrating freedom of speech and not trying to criminalize it?
Also btw, you share a bunch of progressive ideas yourself stephen. - Lots that I've seen you write that I agree with - kudos.
And let me finish by saying, this issue you have with Dan Johnson being above criticism is kinda one of the reasons I appreciate public works so much. It is our responsibility to criticize politicians and government projects, apparently those in the private sector are totally off limits. We just have to go on faith that their business dealings, etc are always above board?
Oh and also, he is coming under critism for his actions as a public figure. I don't know what to tell you stephen, I just disagree with you on critism over Dan Johnson because he plagiarized a speech then called out his perceived critics as "self described referees of good and evil" (from memory). Again, Dan and stephen, not good and evil, but right and wrong. What Dan did was wrong, especially by playing the victim when that was the whole point of the original speech - don't play the victim.
Sorry we don't agree S. Did I miss anything? I'll go read your earlier posts now.
"running interference for your Prog gangsters" I don't agree. I'm not coordinating with anyone on these thoughts, they are my own. I do coordinate with progressives, Democrats, liberals, Greens, unions, whoever will listen - you? to try to get people elected. I wish everyone in the county did the same. It would help reduce the impact of money.
"You can put your smiley face on Prog hypocrisy and yes, evil attempt to virtually lynch Dan Johnson in public" I'm not religious. Apparently you get to be the "referee of good and evil" not me. Someone should inform Dan Johnson of this.
"Green Meanies' mascot". I can't respond, I don't know of what you speak. Judy Hodgson, whatever, I think her paper's articles were great, if you have a problem with it, start your own. I think LoCO is doing a great job of being a pretty conservative local voice, start reading that more. I think Judy's letter after the 6/3 BOS meetng on the GPU was fantastic and necessary. I think Ryan Burns' reporting on the same has been very good if not as indepth as I would like. Would I have preferred an indepth look at any of the 5 Supervisors instead of Dan Johnson, sure, but I don't see the article the same way you do. Obviously.
You know I don't discuss AIPAC and religious matters with you as I don't feel you are coming from a good place on these. Please don't bring me there, that is a conversation I don't want to have with you. I appreciate your stong feelings, I don't share them. That's the best I can do.
I think I'm caught up S.
Fred, I'm not sure, but I don't think Bob and Pam Service where writing as members of the HCDCC when they wrote their letters supporting Lisa in the former's case and partisan local elections in the latter's. It's an important distinction and I'm not entirely sure they didn't, you would have to see if their position in the HCDCC followed their name. It's a slight distinction, but one I think is very important. Take for example Mr. Fullerton's endorsement. It includes one HCDCC associate member (Marian Brady) and another registered Democrat (Melinda Ciarabellini). Is that an indication of John Fullerton's moderate leadership or the conservatism of the Democrats? I have my opinions. I also believe that Marian and Melinda (and Bob and Pam) should have the right to support who they want as long as they don't imply that their support represents the HCDCC as a whole, because it doesn't. The HCDCC has endorsed Lisa Ollivier as has the Eureka Teacher's association.
On Member's being able to disagree publicly with the HCDCC, I actually dissent with many on the HCDCC. I hope going forward there isn't any action on Marian specifically. Why? Because I am so fair minded? I wish! No, I foresee myself having the same problem in June if the HCDCC decides to endorse Supervisor Bass. I will be voting for anyone but her unfortunately, even if she is challenged from the right. My interests are better served with a Republican or conservative that may be beatable by another Democrat in 2018 than having four more years of Supervisor Bass. Even though I like her personally and generally think she is a person of good character. Her policy decisions on land use are so antithetical to me (ie can't vote for "protecting natural resources" without qualifying the phrase) that my interests are better served with someone else in office. And in the end, I hope that is what we all are doing, voting for our interests.
That's also why I am voting for Lisa Ollivier this November 5th. In this case, her HCDCC and ETA endorsement are significant because beyond knowing her personally and knowing she is a wonderful person who will excel at being a School Board member, the ETA's endorsement especially means the teachers themselves are behind her.
And if you don't think both sides are working the union/political game despite protestations of non-partisanship, I have a bridge to sell you.
No ethical standard, DJ, that's you as a typical politician in the making. You seem ethically challenged when it's pointed out to you that only complete hypocrisy on your part keeps you from looking at your own Prog plagiarizer, a man in the highest law enforcement office in Humboldt County and not just a local school board member. Until you apologize to Dan Johnson personally for your own contribution to the Progs vile smear of his name in public, I don't think anyone should pay the slightest attention to you. Who needs another Green Meanie gangster without morals in Humboldt County attacking local community citizens for trumped up reasons and ethical standards they refuse to apply to themselves?
. Take for example Mr. Fullerton's endorsement. It includes one HCDCC associate member (Marian Brady) and another registered Democrat (Melinda Ciarabellini).
They endorsed Fullerton as non- partisan city council members and individuals. Their political party was never mentioned, which is true of all Fullerton's endorsements.
The letters to the Times- Standard by Service and whoever else it was specifically suggested voting for Olivier because she was a Democrat.
The Teacher's Union endorsement is fair enough, although basically the same thing as an HDCCC endorsement for those in the know. I consider that endorsement a minus, though, as equating teacher's unions to student learning and welfare is ludicrous. Teacher's unions are about teachers and teachers only.
Hey a reply, woohoo. I'm not on the "do not reply list". OK so I guess that means I'm back? I don't know we'll take it case by case, so I guess that means I'm back, but I'll post less frequently as that seems to be the unwritten message here.
"They endorsed Fullerton as non- partisan city council members and individuals"
Really, how do you know? What on John's add (and web site) states this or is it left to the reader to come up with her/his own judgement? Is this your judgement or is it a fact? Is there small print I missed in the add?
What I am doing is adding know and legitimate context to the add and web site. Voter's should know that. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are two strategies to deal with the fact that a D proably gives you a 5 to 15 point advantage in HumCo. Somepeolpe have chosen to adopt it with the dual goal of moving the HCDCC to the right and ... winning elections. The other strategy is this magical thinking that politics and policies related to politics (including, heaven forbid, unions)suddenly have no meaning during elections. Which one is it? Both right? Depending on the elecion. At least I will be consistant on this. Parties and politics are important - always from the dog catcher past the President (ie the Supreme Court). It's not sad, and it is true. What is sad is the polarization of our politics - which I adamantly do not think I contribute too. I am pro politics. I am pro politics adressing policy. Policies that I would favor and why I will vote for Lisa a) A negotiating stance in union contracts that is the teachers favor. b) a belief in education as a shared infrastructure. It is the foundation of who we are and should be world class and not further sub-divided by vouchers and charters. Focus should be on bringing the main campuses up, not separating out into smaller good schools at the expense of the larger schools. c) An acceptance and excitment over the new standard Common Core. Let's get on board, use it, enhance it to the benefit our students. d) (this was brought up by Lovell who is running in another county school board race) Make sure we are not just focusing on the college bound kids, but also finding means for kids to excel using their hands (ie Autoshop good for John). Hands and mind but not just hands at the expense of mind. This is where we have to get in the weeds and I would put my trust in someone who shares this broader vision of our culture and our country. A vision that is informed, but, dare I say it, that little letter D.
There you go Fred. My vision of politics informing policy. Remember, these are my own words and thoughts in case you guys want to attribute them to the HCDCC or Lisa's campaign. Don't. They are my own.
stephen - I'm not going to apologize for commenting honestly on Dan Johnson's plagiarism and his later ironic victimization that you insist on bringing up. I can't comment on Gallegos' plagiarism because I'm not aware of it. You have every right to criticize Gallegos as I do Johnson.
stephan, in order to stay away from where I'm obviously not welcome, I have to minimize my comments here. You know where to continue the conversation if you are interested.
So once again, DJ, you show rather despicable ethics, a person who says I'm not committing any crime because I don't know about it. That's you refusing to accept moral responsibility for attempting to destroy a Humboldt County citizen's reputation. That's just unacceptable, DJ. And I wish you'd take yourself out of these political discussions and stop trying to run for office. You don't have what it take, no moral backbone, just another political dissembler who will be part of a political attack squad and not own up to it's evil consequences for a hardworking Humboldt County businessman and his family.
Words have meaning stephen. I'll agree that we disagree on ethics - it's your right to call mine despicable. To whom do I have the moral obligation to apologize? Is it at least possible you are mistaken in your perception of ethics? What crime did I commit? Is there one on the books that I should know about, or is it not a crime in a legal sense, but a crime against your moral code?
This is the point. What we have is a difference in opinion based on our difference of ethics, and morals. But to say I'm committing a crime because I've had extremely measured and I think fair words about someone is ridiculous. The "moral backbones" are going to differ from person to person, that is kinda what politics is about. For example, some people believe that property rights and the constitution is the highest moral or ethical value, others like myself argue that environmental and economic sustainability should have a high ethical value.
But the above is about policy and the complaints about DJ were about his actions. You are confused about this and attempting to make these justified complaints about his actions a left-led character assassination which in turn justifies you're need to assassinate other's reputation including.
If there is someone out there ripping on DaJ because he is DaJ then I agree with you and commend you in your efforts. I haven't seen any such effort though outside of the usual crap you can get in the blogs.
Do you not see the contradiction in you're comments? You are defending someone by attempting the same thing on someone else? I still stand by my words on DaJ and I believe the half Ryan's article I read (ADD problem) was completely justified.
So back to my amorphous crime. If I am committing a crime according to your moral code, how is it that you aren't doing the same thing right now?* Isn't worse that you are committing this crime as it is YOUR moral code?
Seriously, I'm confused on this.
Regarding political aspirations. Who knows? I think I could do better than some, not as well as others. I don't have any plans. I'd love to run against Supervisor Bass, but there is no way I'd beat her as I don't have that sellable background that people like. So you can relax and save your energy. FOR NOW!...Mu HA HA! *twists mustache*
*"attempting to destroy a Humboldt County citizen's reputation"
This apparently is my crime. It's not true. What I did (and would do again and again) is call out DaJ for clearly unacceptable behavior (and his victimization non-apology). He is responsible for his reputation based on his actions over time. (as I am, as you are)
And you know what s? I'm not going to be intimidated into silence either. I will continue to call out bad behavior even if it is against someone you will defend by attacking my reputation.
So again, if you are going to call me out on the mat, I'm happy to join you, just please do me the favor of using an actual quote of mine which I can then defend. That is the least you can do if you are going to accuse me of committing a crime against your moral code.
I'd prefer not to bother Fred with this baloney, you know where you can more appropriately continue this conversation if you please or you can continue here if you think moving you over is some nefarious plot of mine. Again I could care less, I'm trying to be thoughtful.
Just to provide some political background on myself, I am an independent voter who has some Democrat traits (deeply concerned about corporate influence in government) and some Republican traits (deeply concerned about an ever growing nanny state approach to governing).
I am one of probably many folks who have been trying to figure out this race between two candidates that seemingly are worth the whole cost of running an election. What I have read here has been very enlightening. As a result, I will probably vote for Mr Fullerton although I deeply respect Mrs Ollivier and the work she has done for our community. But there is simply no comparison between a candidate who is engaged enough to make themselves available and one who somehow has the time to do the job, but somehow can't make it out to discuss the issues with the electorate when the opportunity to do so presents itself.
There is one issue though in regards to the public schools that I have not seen mentioned before that I am very passionate about. And that would be a matter of bringing more technology to the classroom in order to bring teaching into the modern era. The greatest opportunity in this regard as I perceive it is Kahn Academy which is being used in both public and private schools in California. It moves learning on line and into the home in place of traditional homework, and moves homework online and into the school in place of traditional lecture time. The teachers then become one on one tutors during school hours. This allows gifted students to move ahead rapidly on a particular subject, while those who are having difficulty can receive optimal one on one attention from a teacher who can guide them through the area they are having difficulty with. I believe this approach to education has HUGE potential and would really appreciate it if current board members would take the time to explore it if they haven't already done so. I also believe that any big change like this should always be piloted on a small scale and then gradually scaled up if and as widespread confidence builds. As a taxpayer I am not so much concerned about saving tax money as I am about getting more for my tax dollar out of the system. And for that to happen, teachers and administrators need to work together to promote innovation and new ideas that will even better equip today's students for the challenges of tomorrow's world.
anonymous - that would be Democrat"ic" traits. "Democrat" is a right-wing ploy that Rush Libaugh has championed since the first day of his show. Even when reading an article he will replace "Democratic" with "Democrat". Why? To emphasize the rat. You can judge the conservatism of many elected officials by this term. Just FYI for next time you want to feign neutrality. Also, extremely right of center to use the term "nanny state". Also, there are many Ron Paul Republicans for example that are also getting it right and noticing the corporitization of our politics and government. (Including many Democrats)
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