Saturday, October 04, 2014

Tim Martin on Dan Johnson

You never know where Times- Standard columnist, Tim Martin, will be coming from. A really nice piece by him today on the local Left's most hated, Dan Johnson. Nicely done.

Let's see if Sylvia DeRooy posts one of her Shut him up! comments as she often does.


At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If had apologized sooner I think this would have all blown over. I don't care who or how generous you are, if you don't understand plaigarism, you don't belong on a school board.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I personally don't think it would have mattered when, or how much, he apologized. If that had been someone from the Left, few would have said a thing, as Martin pointed out.

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lefts most hated? Really? That characterization is lame even for you Fred.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the left hated Arkley the most?

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the typical Dan-is-a-nice-guy defense, which is not any sort of defense. All he had to do was apologize and he failed even that.

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim Martin writes whatever he thinks will give him attention. He has no conviction. Times-Standard needs better local columnists.

I am not the left and I think Dan Johnson is a self absorbed moron.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

He has convictions, I'm sure. They're just not partisan based as many people's are. He can be "all over the place...", as some have told me I am.

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, neither you nor Tim Martin are all over the place. You're eminently predictable. That's not an insult. Your political ideology correctly predicts your viewpoint most of the time.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apologies aside, plaigarists don't belong on the governing body of a school board. If his daughter had given that speech instead,she would have been in deep doo doo. I consider myself a decent person and love my kid, but if he was on a little league team I wouldn't try to be a coach or a ref because I don't know diddly about the rules of baseball. I'm sure Dan wouldn't be happy if I made a stupid call even if my heart was in the right place and then refuse to change it, apologize, or even attempt to learn from it. Or what if I wanted to build my family a house cause I'm a generous gal and love my family and just started hammering away. Do you think that Dan would agree that I shouldn't get a stop work and have to buy a permit and go through the inspection process because I didn't know? I doubt it. I see this as the same thing. The time for trying to extract apologies from the man is long passed, but I maintain he is not a fit for the school board. If he was just some Dad at graduation giving that speech, I think that would have been different, but he was a School Board member. You're supposed to have a clue about plaigarism. Just like a baseball coach is supposed to know about what makes a foul ball a foul ball and a contractor should know about encroachment permits. And for the love of Pete, quit with this The Left crap. It's really tiresome.

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. Didn't know he was a Republican. Makes sense. Doesn't take any personal responsibility and blames 'The Left' for his own lies and his own failure to apologize. Why are people still Republican, anyway?

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Jack Durham said...

The column is built on a false premise that Johnson was being criticized because of his political affiliation. The vast majority of critics were concerned about the plagiarism and Johnson's lame response, not his politics. Many of those critics were teachers and students. They saw a double standard – students who get caught plagiarizing get flunked and booted from programs, school board members who plagiarize get treated like victims

The column also alleges a double standard, claiming that Gallegos was immune from criticism because he's a Democrat. But that's not true. The Arcata Eye and the McKinleyville Press – which were critical of Johnson – harshly criticized Gallegos throughout his tenure.

The column also fails to mention that the NHUHSD Board of Trustees voted 3-1 to ask Johnson to resign. Johnson violated several board policies, not only by plagiarizing, but in his nasty response to the public and to district staff. Then there were the numerous Brown Act violations by the board as it tried to manage the scandal. These blatant violations of state law are missing from the column.

Johnson may be a great boss. I have no evidence to support or refute that assertion. But the notion that the majority of Johnson's critics were motivated because the board member is a Republican is just plain false.

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks Fred enjoys calling out "lefties" just as much as any conservative pundit


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