Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Martian Meteorites?

For years I've been hearing about meteorites found on Earth that came from Mars. Now The Guardian newspaper is reporting on suggestions that those meteorites may be evidence of life- or past life- on Mars. About those meteorites:

"The six meteorites, taken from various museum collections, are the result of asteroid collisions with Mars millions of years ago. When the asteroids hit the planet, they blasted off pieces of surface, some of which made it to Earth as meteorites."

That seems like a stretch. That debris from Mars would escape its gravity and make it all the way here? The moon, maybe. Regardless, how the hell can they say for sure where those meteorites came from? I'm all eyes and ears waiting for better proof but, seems to me, this is simply speculation.


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not such a stretch. Mars' gravity is only 38% of the gravity of Earth. Venus, though usually closer to Earth most of the time and about the same size as Earth, it has a much higher gravitational pull due to atmospheric conditions there. Mars does come nearer to Earth on some of its orbits too.
Bottom line, if those meteors came from another planet the most likely candidate would be Mars, which is why they speculate that way I would suppose.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prepping the masses for a staged alien invasion.

At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should really read up on this stuff a little more Fred.
This is far more than 'speculation'. I realize science is
scary and evil to many Americans these days, but fer cryin out loud!


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