Saturday, August 01, 2015

Letter Backs Up The Freddy

I've wrote at least a couple times here that people believe what "science" fits their ideology and world view. A letter in today's Times- Standard shows I'm not the only one that thinks that. Not word per word, but close enough:

"The results of the recent Public Policy Institute of California survey confirm the research of Duke University Troy Campbell and others that our values influence how we perceive reality."

Now I have to go find the story the letter refers to. I must have missed that the other day.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger uri driscoll said...

That was a very eye opening article. Depending on what solutions are being offered will often correlate with how we perceive the "problem".

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Depending on what solutions are being offered will often correlate with how we perceive the "problem".
The global warming by Al gore: solution: tax tax tax.
The global warming solution by EPA: clean air of all hazes so the sun beats hotter upon the earth, so people believe the earth is warming so we, the government, can tax tax tax plus fine fine fine.
The global warming solution by God Almighty: Burn the brush, create ash for healthy crops next year, haze the air, remind people that sometimes hazes cool the earth & if I wanted no smoke to kill bugs, I would have created fire repellent planet. Now where's my effing cigar.


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