Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Permitting Parklets

The Lost Coast Outpost seems to be Johnny- Come- Lately to reporting on Eureka's plans to experiment with parklets- little park like areas taking up the same space as some parking spots in Old Town. They do have some nice pictures, though.

What gets me is this sentence: "The owners of those four businesses are working through the permitting process....". 

You have to love it. This seems to be a city approved idea, if not a city generated idea to begin with. Wonder why these parklets get through the permit system in months yet it takes years for some businesses? Not complaining. Just wondering.

Disclosure: I don't know when the permit process started for these parklets, but seems to me we've only been hearing of the idea for a few months.


At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm....dont you think people would complain if the businesses did whatever they wanted? What if one wanted to set up a TV with porn playing 24/7? Or another set up bongs and bongos? What if one had a glory hole?

Of course the city would want to approve changes to a public street. As much as you claim to be libertarian, you don't want anarchy any more than anone else. Stop pretending you do. You aren't a rebel, face it.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

A perfect example of the authoritarian attitude: Businesses need to be thoroughly scrutinized even before they open. It's perfectly ok to spend two years checking out a business and making it jump through hoops, lest they do something someone find objectionable.

You seem to have misread my post. You're suggesting I'm complaining about permits being needed for parklets. As I wrote, I'm not complaining, just wondering why it's so easy for parklets, but not so easy for businesses that bring revenue to the city.

As an aside, as I wrote here before and in a comment to the LoCo, the city fathers seem to forget the results from years ago when they tried to bring niceness to Old Town. They put in concrete benches to make things more visitor friendly. The transients immediately took over those benches and within months the city removed them, at some expense.

Will that happen with parklets? I'm not saying we don't try to make things nicer just because of possible unintended consequences. I just wonder if the powers that be even remember that?

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you joking? Face it, you are clueless about business and government. I owned a business in Eureka for many years and getting a business permit is both fast and inexpensive. I can't remember the exact details, but if it would have been time consuming or expensive, I would remember. My business was started in less than 2 months of planning and the permit couldn't have costed moRe than a few hundred bucks. And the city never came and checked up on me.

Stop spreading misinformation.

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eureka business licenses cost $55 and need to be renewed yearly. The application for said permit is 1.5 pages long.

You equate filling out a page and half application and paying 55 bucks to waiting years and jumping through hoops? What's with the drama queen act today? You are over exaggerating and misrepresenting things like crazy. Are you off your meds?

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred, please share some real permit stories, not your personal speculation. I have yet to hear from any friends about issues with permitting except for instances where the permit had to go through multiple agencies.

At 6:11 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I don't know very many. I have heard Jitterbean Coffee, formerly at Myrtle and West, and a now defunct restaurant in Henderson Center took two years to get the proper permits, studies and such to open.

How many agencies they had to go through, I don't know.

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! You don't know ANY stories! Man up and admit you are wrong. You sound like a dunce acting like a know-it-all.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Jitterbean story was told to me by someone in the know. Some real estate org representative. I personally knew the lady who started the now failed restaurant in Henderson Center.

I'm not sure what sorts of stories you want. You obviously don't have any.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started my own business in Eureka and know dozens of people who have done the same. Permits and licensing is part of the game.

Stop with the fear mongering. Just because you can't figure out how to start a business doesn't mean its impossible. It takes hard work and determination. Things you obviously lack.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Right. I guess you're the expert since even city council candidates mention starting businesses in Eureka as being more difficult than it should be. Not that they ever do anything about it, but many of them say they want to.

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god, a politician said something. Hurry, let's get on our knees and bow to the almighty politician.

I told you, its 55 bucks and a page and a half of paperwork. They even issue you a temporary permit on the spot. Are you that freaking lazy that you think that is too hard?

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh god, a politician said something. Hurry, let's get on our knees and bow to the almighty politician.

I told you, its 55 bucks and a page and a half of paperwork. They even issue you a temporary permit on the spot. Are you that freaking lazy that you think that is too hard?

Sorry, that last post was meant to go here. I posted twice

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city rushed the permits through, via outside grants for the Parklets. It's a global plan.

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a global plan to end cars.


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