Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Why To Dislike Hillary Clinton

Times- Standard columnist Tim Martin tells us of men he interviewed about their feelings toward Hillary Clinton. He seems to assume the complaints are gender specific, I'd suggest women, aside from "vagina voters"- those who vote for someone simply because she's female- probably share the same complaints. 

Heck, vagina voters probably share the same complaints but consider gender above issues or personality.

One word showed up that I've neglected in describing my hatred of Hillary Clinton: Condescending is what I haven't used. Her condescending way of presenting herself and referring to others really irks me. Thanks for the reminder Tim.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry there are no women in your life. But you know, if there were, you could always just grab 'em by the pussy' right?

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump is president. The election is over. Focus on the present because we have a president who seems Hell-bent on making headlines that fit perfectly into terrorist recruiting materials.

Say what you will about Clinton's personality. I'm sorely missing the safety and security of the establishment at this point. For the first time in my life, I do fear for my kids' future because of our president's decisions, and the advisers he's surrounded himself with. He's fast tracking the train to Crazyville.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

", I do fear for my kids' future because of our president's decisions, and the advisers he's surrounded himself with."

I wouldn't call myself a fan of Trump, but will admit he makes me a bit nervous. Unlike you, though, I'm pleased overall, so far, with his cabinet nominations- with the exception of Jeff Sessions for AG. He also supposedly had ordered two federal regulations removed for every new one passed. That, to me, is one of the biggest moves I've seen toward a freer country in my lifetime.

At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Trump isn't? Look how he treats reporters who ask tough questions.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I'm of the mind that Trump, whatever his faults, is ten times the person Hillary is. He is rough on reporters. I almost don't blame him as that will just exacerbate problems, but sometimes things need to be said. That's one think I liked about Trump early on: He didn't care if what he said pissed some people off.

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you actually looked at Hillary and her accomplishments of the last 35 years?
Or do you just watch Fox? You would probably be very surprised at the amount of good and positive things she has done. (No, she is no saint. Who among us is? but at least she is sane.) But those are 'facts'. NOT popular with the right these days....

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

If Jesus himself had her condescending attitude, I'd hate his guts.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I might add I don't think Trump will get anywhere trying to make nice with reporters or any of his detractors. He's already on their bad side and there's not much he can do about that.

I will admit, though, I'm like most people who would prefer someone a bit more diplomatic for president.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Jon said...

Condescending? What about vagina voter? Isn't that a tad condescending? Btw? Have you notice that since women were finally allowed to vote we've had a string of 22 male Presidents? How many dick voters voted for Trump? A recent unscientific KINS TOP had this percentage at 63% if memory serves.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Vagina voters is a term coined from an article I posted here some time ago where the writer discussed people- mostly women- who vote for a woman simply because she's woman. It's accepted in press circles that many vote simply based on that. It's not too far off from partisan voters who vote for a party regardless of issues involved.

If women vote for men, than the vagina voter block must not be as large as some claim, although I'd be willing to bet most of Hillary's votes were in large part because she's female- never mind her opponent being Trump.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Jon said...


Here is the dick voting block.

Also non-college educated white women voted overwhelmingly for Trump. (64 to 36). Overall women favored Trump 54 to 46, but this is due largely to black and Hispanic women who voted overwhelmingly for Clinton.

22 consecutive men as President leads me to believe it's the dick voters you need to be concerned about as biased by gender.

But then you could have been condescending to women.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

"Also non-college educated white women voted overwhelmingly for Trump. (64 to 36)."

Obviously not vagina voters. Are you assuming I'm saying all women vote for women? I seem to recall at least a couple online discussions where men plugged Hillary because she was a woman. Men can be vagina voters too.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Jon said...

"Are you assuming I'm saying all women vote for women?"

I'm wondering why you go out of your way to point out that woman may vote for women, in a condescending way, even if cribbed for someone else, when there is so much evidence right before your eyes of an even greater bias going from men. In fact it could be argued that most women also seem to be inclined to prefer voting for men.

Please check out the question and answer to that KINS TOP to see some evidence of the overwhelming extent to which there is the opposite of you preferred term.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KINS demographic wouldnt have answered their poll any other way. like most media polls, they got the answer they were already looking for.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Funny but the critique most likely has to do with there's too many condescending women in men's lives.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Kids really should fear their shill parents.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Tough, lol, more like ridiculous, but Trump won't answer interupters cutting in line to ask questions.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Hillary is connected to multiple murders, Trump gets caught talking about pussy grabbing, something most women fully endorse, and men too.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Ya, she takes credit for others' efforts, and still, she had to conspire to commit election fraud to stop Bernie from destroying the feminist dreams, although the irony that came later.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Dicks wield bigger sticks.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

When a reputable female runs for president, more men will follow suit.

Hillary was not reputable.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Henchman Of Justice said...

Go to college, get brainwashed.

Avoid the brainwashing, learn street lango, don't be a slave to your own parents' naivity.

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His thing about reporters is autocracy 101. Once noone believes in or respects the press as there is no longer anyone to hold him accountable and only one point of view. His own.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Rusty said...

Classic HOJ. I concur.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Democratic Jon said...

Hey Henchman. If your parents will help you to go to college, even if you are outside the traditional age, please don't turn it down on principle or because it seems like the smart thing to do.

Definitely look at expenses and see if you can afford it and see what the potential benefits will be, but please don't discount furthering your education because Rusty says so.

Ignorance is one thing. Willful ignorance is another. The right wing, and for the record, in this case I'm not talking about Fred, depends on willful ignorance of it's voters.

We didn't use to be like this as Americans. I believe this right-wing or Republican trend to push policies and narratives that will result in a reduced opinion of merit through learning, education, (science & humanities) is not who we are as Americans.

One of my favorite books, the one that helped me to find that I had to start speaking out just before you, me and SBB populated the bottom of SHP threads is the Age of American Unreason by Susan Jacoby. It's as pertinent today as ever.

Americans used to cherish the chance to learn, going out of their way to attend talks by what once might have been respected as people of learning.

That's changed, and not because learning and education individually and as a society isn't important. It's changed because it helps push through an agenda where we all are more apt to by the cars, food, and homes that are placed in front of us and stop all of this whining about how the food is unhealthy, the cars and regional planning are contributing to the destruction of the climate, the privatization of public property harms the many for the benefit of a very few, etc.

HOJ. Go to school if you have the funds to do it and it makes sense in your life. Don't if it doesn't. Don't pretend anyone is better of for intentionally missing the opportunity to further their education because that is willful ignorance and it is part of the agenda, perhaps unconsciously or unintentionally, of Republicans.

At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Guess said...

It's "buy" Jon. Nice rant though.

At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Rusty said...

Not believing the Press is what got President Trump elected. The respect is long gone.

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent comments by Democratic Jon. But sadly wasted on the
tin foil types like HOJ. Murders? Really HOJ? Proof? And yet somehow she has
gotten away with it all this time? After being under a microscope for
30 years?
The sick lunacy continues from the far righties.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

The Clintons have a trail of dead bodies in their past. That's well known. But, I saw a debunking of that where it was pointed out the Clintons know, or knew, a lot of people. If you know a lot of people, you'll know a lot of people who have died. I thought that a good point, although I saw a TV show once that made a good case for the Clintons being involved in the death of Vince Foster.

I'd certainly believe it as I think either of those two would kill anyone that got in the way of their search for power. But, I'll have to admit I could probably compile quite a list of all the people I've known who have died.


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