Saturday, December 10, 2005

Geist Might Have Competition...

assuming she decides to seek another term on the Board of Supervisors. Haven't heard anything as to whether or not she'll try to stay on but it seems to me most supes usually do. So Pat Higgins, a businessman/ biologist (?) by profession, wants to run against her. He says Geist has, "run to the center, politically..." which he thinks is a mistake. Makes one wonder just where in the political spectrum Higgins lies? I suspect he's even more left leaning than Geist or he wouldn't bring it up as an issue. Seems to me we have a fairly left leaning Board of Supervisors as it is and I'd just as soon it doesn't move any further to the left.

Maybe this is another collective (no pun intended) effort by the Left to take yet more control of the county? If we see Local Solutions endorsing Higgins, it just might be.


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