Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yesterday's news, but...

I couldn't pass up on the latest in the Eureka Reporter regarding Richard Salzman having been witnessed "vandalizing" parking meters in Eureka with Anti- Arkley decals.

If true, maybe I'll agree with Cherie Arkley that Salzman has way too much time on his hands. I suspect he has an obsessive hatred of anything not left of center, as well. Kinda scary, people obsessed with hatred, but he's not the only one around here like that.

But, here we go; The witnesses reported it to the police as vandalism. I can't help but wonder if either of the witnesses are going to assist in pressing charges on this? Are we going to make a mountain out of a molehill again?

Salzman's already been humiliated over that episode where he got caught sending letters to the editor under fake names. I said back then that the humiliation was enough punishment for the supposed crime.

I realize technically he committed vandalism and that people sticking decals where they don't belong is quite annoying but, hey, is it really that big a deal?

He deserves the humiliation of getting caught and I don't really care if the papers follow this story for a week or two. But I think another criminal investigation is a bit out there. I say let the humiliation go on, but as far as making a major criminal case over this, just drop it.


At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the comments Fred.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

puh-leeze, as if seeing an arkleyville sticker is going to cause a single person to change their mind on anything. the least salzman could do would be to put out an underground zine like the plazoid. at least tad and the homeless bunch from arcata explain their loony positions in some detail.

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzman can't be humilated enough because he is soooo lame.

Of course, nothing will be done about this because it is trivial and stupid - just like the deranged fallen ex- spin meister that thought the stupid stunt up to begin with

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...


I double posted so deleted the duplicate. Forgot about the comments so got the one with the comments, I guess?

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arkleyville = Margaritaville, it's okay with me.

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzman is a funny bird. He didn't mind taking Arkley's money to get Gallegos elected and he didn't mind taking Arkley's money to keep Gallegos in office. Now Arkley's money is eveil.....

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzman is lame and the Times-Standard is even more so for continuing to print his dribble.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

That's spelled DRIVEL, 8:44.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who forked out the cash to hire a private investigator to trail Salzman?

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry buddy no one did - the pair are husband and wife and were at another gala that night and were driving home from that when they saw "Sarah' owner" come out of Avalon and start pasting stupid stickers on the meters.

Remember - this is a REALLY small town. Best for Salzman to remember its not like southern california where he originally came from. You can get lost down there, but not up here.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Arkley said to Salzman:

Richard, I see the devious way that you fight and I will take it to you in the future. You, not I, are going to be the topic in the future. On Talk Shop, you will be famous. On Channel 3, the same. Poor rich radical from the city who wants to tell us all what to do. ... This will be fun. Get ready. You have had your run. Now, it is my turn.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:12 - and what is your point?

Thanks for blogging Richard, but you are outed again. Why don't you blog under your REAL name. Oh yeah, thats because you LIKE to use fake names.

Your conspiracy spin on this is laughable as the couple who saw you were only minutes before with a very large gathering and had been there all night.

You are small and petty and must be outed everytime you open your dishonest mouth!

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Anon.R.mous said...

Fred said...

That's spelled DRIVEL, 8:44.

9:15 AM

Unless they mean it "dribbles outta his leaky unit"

I will have to disagree with you Fred, while it isn't a large crime, it is a crime, and if this fellow keeps getting awhile with it, he will get bolder and bolder.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only you were so smart, 12:21. I'm not Salzman, I'm just commenting on the very curious article in the Eureka Republican. The article reports that Salzman looked around to make sure no one was watching, and then applied the stickers. So where were the private dicks? In the bushes?

I don't doubt that Richard did it, but it appears he is being watched. And why wouldn't he be? He is linked to Gallegos and "the left," whom those on the conservative side of the political spectrum want to squash. It's not like playing dirty is new to them. How many times did the break into Gallegos's house during the recall? And don't forget the “Eureka Coalition for Jobs,” which was a front group for the Arkley agenda.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

1:08 writes, " it is a crime, and if this fellow keeps getting awhile with it...".

It's not spelled AWHILE, 1:08, it's spelled AWAY, as in "getting AWAY with it...".

No thanks necessary for the spell check. I'm here to help!

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:17 - you aren't paying attention. No private eyes hiding in the bushes here - just a married couple on their way home from a big get together who see this idiot do his usual stupid juvenile antics.

Are you kidding me? do you REALLY believe that some one broke into Gallegos' house and turned up his thermostat during the recall. REALLY - oh god no........

Frankly, I always thought that the Eureka Coalition for Jobs was a Salzman antic also. He loves to spin his puppets as the aggrieved -lame little ducks who are picked on.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Rose said...

Dirty Tricks were Stoen's specialty. When it got really interesting Jim Jones pretended to have been shot and then revived from the dead. A little tamer than claiming someone turned up your thermostat, no doubt.

Reports of criminal activity on the part of the People's Temple were ignored – and thwarted at every turn by Tim Stoen. His duplicitous role as Temple official and Assistant District Attorney for Mendocino Counties and San Francisco is a matter of record.

But it is Stoen's pivotal role as the head of "The Diversions Department" - or "The Dirty Tricks Department." that is most relevant today. "The Diversions Department's" efforts to deflect public scrutiny and influence the media and public officials were intended to manipulate and pressure the media and public officials. Its "contingency plans" included a "hit list" and plans to conduct "political activities" that " included the establishment of a bomb factory and poisoning the water supply of Washington, D.C. …

All in the name of a cause. Jim Jones was the rock star of the western world in his day just like Gallegos has been here. Jim Jones had the support of Rosalyn Carter and Willie Brown, the Burtons, anyone who was anyone in politics, today's Patti Berg, Wes Chesbro and Bill Lockyer... endorsing without knowing what they are doing....

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sure seem to know a lot, 4:40. Do you know the nice couple that was simply on their way home when they spied Salzman?

Eureka Coalition for Jobs was definitely Arkley. Who else would have the money to blow on those billboards and tv ads? This well-funded shadow organization spent spent 30 times Chris Kerrigan’s annual Eureka City Council salary in the effort to unseat him. The figures and the politics have Arkley written all over it.

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I do

And he was drunk, loud and belligerent.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eureka Coalition for Jobs was a poor imitation of the Alliance for Ethical Business. Nowhere near as well-funded and connected

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

5:27 wrote: "Eureka Coalition for Jobs was definitely Arkley".

I felt the same way myself. The whole effort really smelled of Arkley, at least from the looks and sound of it. But, I heard from someone a little while ago who said she heard it was a Salzman effort.

I said then and I'll say now, I thought that a bit far fetched. Brilliant, if risky tactic, though, if true.

I doubt it, though, if only because of what 5:27 points out: I don't think Salzman's bunch had the money to do all that, although I could be wrong since they certainly have some deep pockets they can draw from if necessary.

At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are very wrong - Salzman and his cronies BRAGGED about spending more money than god in that election. I guess he gets it from his "online" bilking of the american public under the guise of saving the environment.

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

State of Fear

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Rose said...

You wanna talk about the big money?

Michael Shellenberger claims that Salzman hired him to be Gallegos Lead Campaign Consultant. (the environmental grantmakers association site)

"Richard Salzman, a recent Bay Area transplant to Humboldt who had helped Gallegos raise money and run TV ads for his 2002 campaign, rushed to Gallegos’ defense. Salzman hired me to help start the Alliance for Ethical Business and defend Gallegos."

"my wife and son and I moved up to Humboldt—about five hours from the Bay Area by car—for the final three weeks of the campaign."

Since we know that Shellenberger's fee for a limited PR campaign is $60,000 plus expenses, (that's what he contracted with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela for how much did it cost Salzman to have him on the ground here on and off for a year? How much did it cost to have Shellenberger move himself andhis family up here for the last weeks of the Recall? How much has it cost for him to be on the ground here on and off since 1996, working against PL? Just do a little internet search guys.

Who paid for that? Where is it declared? Not on any FPPC form I have seen.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for the letters to the editor saying Benjamin Franklin once posted anonymous stickers targeting his enemies on hitching posts. Sylvia and Ellen you have let us down.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want to live in Arkleyville either.

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzmanville is a much better place.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I get some of those stickers?

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Anon.R.mous said...

Fred said...

5:27 wrote: "Eureka Coalition for Jobs was definitely Arkley".

I felt the same way myself. The whole effort really smelled of Arkley, at least from the looks and sound of it. But, I heard from someone a little while ago who said she heard it was a Salzman effort.

I said then and I'll say now, I thought that a bit far fetched. Brilliant, if risky tactic, though, if true.

I doubt it, though, if only because of what 5:27 points out: I don't think Salzman's bunch had the money to do all that, although I could be wrong since they certainly have some deep pockets they can draw from if necessary.

Come on Fred, it's Salzman. Every time Salzman gets near a election, and has someone in the running, something odd happens RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION. DA house was broken into and the heat was turned up, these TV spots came out right before then City Council race... And please, the Arkleys have, as all the people in here keep bitching about, more money then God, don't you think they would have come up with something better then those spots? In today's World, all you need is a semi good video camera and a firewire port on your computer and you to can be making lame videos.

Isn't the new Gallllllllllegos video about the same quality as the ECFJ one?

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet that Salzman will stick his nose into the Arcata circus on behalf of incumbent sleazoids Meserve and Wheetley?

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Arkley would have done something high quality. He can afford the best - scriptwriters, and producers. Salzman, on the other hand, scrimps and bullies his way thorugh.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Salzman just GO AWAY? He's persona non grata here.

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!! Daddy Arkley, make mean old Richard GO AWAY!

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salzman is clearly very jealous of Arkley. Every comment about any subject, and he's right back to Arkley.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Arkley lovers are clearly obsessed with Salzman. They can't stop talking about the guy. Every criticism of the left mentions Salzman. Every left-leaning comment left on this blog is attributed to Salzman by those who disagree (as if Salzman is the only one who doesn't like big boxes or Arkley's fat wallet power trip).

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when a grown man does the equivalent of toilet papering the house of a person he does not like, (the sticker incident) it does generate some interest. Interest in the sense Salzman:
a. unhinged
b. unemployed
c. unintelligent
d. all of the above

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the answer is d. all of the above plus a few more.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's a high school drop out

At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys spend a lot of time talking about someone you apprently dislike.

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear 1:09 am - this is not spending a lot of time talking about someone we dislike - it spending a lot of time laughing about the stupid antics of a failed and deranged political whacko. Lighten up and laugh too - it is good for you.

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's to like? he's pushy, obnoxious, dishonest, mean and sneaky, and filled with hate.
with him came pushy obnoxious mean sneaky hatefilled divisive and expensive politicking
the day he leaves will be a good day for humboldt county

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the day Arkley leaves will be even better.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the Arkleys remain here. Their positive efforts for the community are appreciated by many.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially those who are allowed inside the circle.

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh, so it is a jealousy thing

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like being on the fringe.

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

flapping in the wind.

At 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer swaying in the breeze...

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dancing in the wind

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:18...have you ever walked on the boardwalk? Have you ever been in to the Vance Hotel? Have you ever been into Starbucks...the ballet the Eureka Reporter...been to 5th st. plaza...swam in the Eureka High pool...sat in Albee stadium under the lights? Are these areas only available to the people who are "inside the circle" ? NO.

Nobody says you can't put your children in the ballet studio, that you can't walk on the boardwalk, shop in the vance, drink at starbucks, go to EHS games ect...

Wow...I totally see what your saying 10:18...the Arkleys are SUCH elitests

The Arkleys do wonderful things for the community that benefit EVERYONE.

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:18...have you ever walked on the boardwalk? Have you ever been in to the Vance Hotel? Have you ever been into Starbucks...the ballet the Eureka Reporter...been to 5th st. plaza...swam in the Eureka High pool...sat in Albee stadium under the lights? Are these areas only available to the people who are "inside the circle" ? NO.

Nobody says you can't put your children in the ballet studio, that you can't walk on the boardwalk, shop in the vance, drink at starbucks, go to EHS games ect...

Wow...I totally see what your saying 10:18...the Arkleys are SUCH elitests

The Arkleys do wonderful things for the community that benefit EVERYONE.


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