Another Push Poll?
Probably not.
Just got a phone call from some polling agency. They wanted to know who I'd be voting for in the Board of Supes race and the Eureka City Council race. I suspect this might have been a poll from the Lefties.
They just asked about the Eureka City Council races and the Board of Supes, 4th District. That was it. The gal sounded disappointed with my choices, although I can't swear by that.
Couldn't you be creative and say you're voting for Benj Thomas, John McCowen and Phil Baldwin?
Polls can be fun but it comes down to the wire--the thought of winning, the tought of making a difference, that is all we can except to do....
Except to do what? ;)
NOT vote for Neely or LaVallee.
and NO on Prop 86,87
And No on U and 1A and 1B and 83 and 85 and 86 and 90. And a big No to that little twerp Jeff Leonard. City Council meetings will be at least an hour shorter every night without his endless yammering.
1B is good-vote for it.
12:59 Sorry, but in the 'talking dept' Ron Kuhnel is not an improvement. I guess you haven't been to a Planning Commissioners meeting.
At least Jeff is talking his own show. He has the Community good at heart, and it shows in every Council Meeting. Mr. Kuhnel does talk out of both sides of his mouth but he is just giving the LS line of babble. His ability of obscurantism on an issue is unparalled in our Ciy Council Chambers."Who's on First" no one could possibily know after listening to him in some of the Planning Commission meetings. This is probably good for the City Staff, and the applicant, for they both think that they have the answer they want. But just "What was that answer"?
10:34 Agree with you. Vote Jeff Leonard!
Yeah but Jeff has that direct line to Rob.
Where's that skateboard park Jeff promised us? How did he let $50k get sucked out of the money targeted for the skate park and be spent on Arkley's Zoo?
This alone has pissed off more than a few former Leonard supporters.
12:33 I assume you have voluteered to work on the skate park, right?
Oh, you haven't, you just want to bitch about it?? Typical lefty.
Gripe and complain about those doing something but never get off the couch to make a difference yourself.
Yes, Ron I do mean you....since you used your own talking points in your comments here, guess if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, the duck is Ron Kuhnel himself. Tell us about those lost supporters after November 7th, wontcha??
P.S. Last time I looked it was the city's zoo. Get informed before you run for office again. Might help your cause.
Sorry, I'm not Ron.
And yes, I have volunteered on the skate park... including attending meetings at Zane school and the Parks and Rec Commission. These are folks trying to pick up the slack Jeff left behind. They accept Jeff got the ball rolling but he then left them in the lurch. The real burn came when he helped redirect the $50k to the Zoo.
Maybe you need to attend the skate park meetings and find out what is going on before you mouth off. There isn't much positive said about Leonard.
1:10 The unpositive comments seem to be coming from your own mouth...Jeff Leonard just donated $500 to the skate park. What money have YOU thrown down? Nuthing is Right. You got nuthin to give and you got no one to blame but yourself.
Jeff has worked harder than any other council memeber on the skate park from the get go.
Ok, guys, settle down. You know neither Jeff nor Ron would want you to be so rude. Just take a deep breath. Tuesday will be here soon enough.
1:18 must be Jeff himself. He loves that phrase "get go".
Patting himself on the back is something he does well, and a lot, but how does he find the time to do it on a blog during a campaign?
Leonard is a loser . Along with all the others who have screwed up our City for years .The proof has been in the pudding . Don't give these screw - ups another chance - we have already seen what they can do .
9:19 I'm thinkin' all the venom about Leonard is because you real losers are worried that your loser candidates are going down.
How do you arrive at the conclusion people have been screwing up our city for years?
Oh, I know, you moved up here a nano second ago, don't have a job and want to squelch growth of any sort.
If you want no growth why don't you move to Stinkin Water Oregon? I think they might have installed one building in the past 35 years. Should be right up your alley.
"How do you arrive at the conclusion people have been screwing up our city for years?"
Its just a little bit obvious.
"Oh, I know, you moved up here a nano second ago, don't have a job and want to squelch growth of any sort."
Nope. I do. Uh huh.
No someone else posted at 1:18-
'Get go' actually came from me-And I couldn't be father away from Jeff Leonard.
I just happened to know he has been a proponent of the skate park and a booster of recreational activities for kids since way before becoming a council member-didn't throw and extra 'e' in there this time!
Jeff is also interested in a community pool-ask him. Kuhnel may be a grandfather, but Jeff has a toddler and would like to see change before she is too old to care about youth recreational activities. That's motivation enough for me to vote for him-Jeff has a vested interest.
Making a committment to take only $500 donations to his re-election campaign, Jeff donated the extra $500 from a $1000 campaign donation-to the skate park. That's putting your money where your mouth is.
The city council has had to make tough decisions and where money earmarked for the skate park going to the zoo was a difficult decision I think it may have had something to do with reaccreditation--something I admitedly do not understand, but that is why the city council is study the issues for us and make the best decisions. I certainly trust that if he had to do something that hard-it was for the right reasons.
Vote Jeff Leonard! This is one candidate you don't have to make excuses for!
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