Friday, January 26, 2007

Lion Attack Makes CNN

That mountain lion attack up in Prairie Creeks Redwoods State Park actually made it to CNN.

Don't you love it at the beginning of such stories when they start off with San Francisco, CA?


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But of course. Everyone knows where San Francisco is. The place where you can call in sick to work to care for a sick neighbor, or whoever, and where you can't do anything the progressives don't want you to do, like spank your children. Or depend on anyone but the government (them) for anything.

At 8:39 AM, Blogger Carol said...

I saw a mountain lion last June on the Loleta banks of the Eel River while on a river tour with Bruce Slocum of Ferndale. As soon as I pointed to it, it disappeared in the riparian habitat.

I also saw one in Fortuna up off of Mill Street at high noon in 1994. It was about a 60 pound cat.
I also spotted a bobcat one time when I lived there years ago.

I have spotted several coyotes up on Eel River Drive by the intersection of Table Bluff Rd. In the summer we can hear the pups.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, well, I'm glad CNN covered a real news controversy for once.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Anon.R.mous said...

They should start using Eureka, so lasy people will have to look at a god-damned map.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

Hey, when Schwarzenegger kicked off his campaign at the Samoa Cookhouse, neither CNN nor Fox could be bothered to name the town other than "in a northern California community."

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe I get to be the first to blame the mountain lion attack on both George Bush AND global warming.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Carol said...

It IS big news. A mountain lion attacking a human in the National Park and in Humboldt County. I love that park, althoug there have been times I have felt the presence of big cats watching. The coast road is incredible and wild.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mountain lion is excellent to eat. I'm very happy the folks are all right. Its time you all realize ,preditors aren't just in the back ally's or bars. Next time some damn fool tells you how great it is to bring back the Griz or timber wolf just remember that your L.L.Bean reality of the back woods won't keep'em from eating you if they need to.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true, mountain is quite good, fairly sweet, kind of reminds me of eating horse. Unfortunately I now have to go to more intelligent neighboring States to dine on such fine repast. Personally I would prefer not to kill and eat them, a better solution to the problem would be to have lion lovers capture and adopt them all as pets. The cats would get sick and die due to such poor forage, and the lion lovers would become lion dung.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About 15 years ago, after a good downpour one night, I heard what sounded like a woman screaming in distress right down my road a few hundred yards. I grabbed a flashlight and my 357 and me and my lab went down to investigate.
I finally was able to pick up the eyes of what must have been either a large bobcat or a cougar - they are around my neighborhood - up off the road on a hill. It didn't move or try to run away, it just sat there looking into the light for awhile. I finally just went back to the house when I was convinced that it wasn't a human after all. But that was eerie.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So then I went back to the barn and cuddled with the sheep.

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,I'm from Petrolia, Iresemble that remark


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