Gone By The Wayside
I often enjoy taking a trip down memory lane and remembering things back in the old days that aren't around anymore. Ekovox, over at 299 Opine, got me started on this when he brought up old drive- in movie theaters.
Carol brought up, a few days ago, Fizzies- the old flavored tablets you'd drop in a glass of water to make a fruit flavored carbonated beverage.
I don't necessarily miss having some of those things, especially drive- in theaters, but the memory game is fun.
Trying to think of some other things. I need to get up and go now but I'll try to add some old things that have gone by the wayside later. In the meantime, feel free to post your own rememberances.
Oh, for one; Motor oil when it came in a can.
Actually, I suppose I could mention drive- in restaurants. Are there any of those around anymore? Last one I remember up here was the A&W Root Beer at Myrtle and West in Eureka. That placed closed down in the early 80s(?).
Are there any of those anywhere anymore?
Fluff 'n Nutter and peanut butter sandwiches . . . I think Fluff 'n Nutter was an east coast food product. It was a marshmellow spread.
I remember waxed lips and candy cigarettes to go along with the Pixie Sticks, cotton candy and Fizzies. We also had a penny candy store and candy was only one cent.
Fred why don't you do us a favor and delete your obsessive trolls comments. If the need to express such ramblings is too powerful to overcome he can start his very own blog.
Done, 11:35
pixie sticks? man- those put my dentist in a whole new tax bracket!
What do I miss?
Americans-getting along. Regardless
of who they voted for-or against.
"Divide and conquer" - goes wayyy back,
that lesson. Sure is workin now, huh?
"Fluff 'n Nutter".
Yep. Must have been east coast food cause I don't remember that one.
"pixie sticks?".
Wooohooo. Makes my mouth pucker just thinking about those things. Boy, did they get your attention.
The flouride treatments that my childhood dentist gave me must prevented me from having any cavities. I can't imagine eating the sugary products that I consumed as a kid. Anyone remember Scooter Pies, or was that another east coast food product?
Scooter pies go good with yoohoo chocolate drink.
Moon pies and "It's It" bars! Mmm-mmm... I still pig out on 'em! (When nobody's looking.)
Shut up Hoover.
Carol wrote, "Anyone remember Scooter Pies,".
I vaguely remember them. I didn't like them. Forget the reason why.
6:12 diminishes this conversation.
Oh yeah, a conversation about junk food. Please don't diminish it!
"Shut up Hoover."
Shut up yourself, you nattering nabob!
Carbon paper. Slide rules. Chokes and throttles. I don't miss any of them. And scooter pies? They tasted like cardboard (I ate 'em anyway). Sweet-tarts, gimme sweet-tarts!
Remember the Midway drive-in, some times the fog would roll in from the bay so thick you could'nt see the screen.
Remember the roller rink at Clam Beach, before the freeway?
How about the Tamale house at Moonstone, before Merrymans, or the freeway.
I also remember motor oil in a glass jar.
You got me beat there, king. I don't remember any of those, except fog at the Midway.
Humboldt County without hippies.
(Just kidding. Don't get your hemp undies in a bunch)
Drag racing down Samoa Blvd.
The sound of the lumber mills' shift change whistles.
The sound of the clatter and grinding tracks of a Caterpiller D-8.
Flat track motorcycle races on a Saturday night.
Service Stations with attendants and the bell that rang when you drove in.
The L&M Drive-In on Broadway with 5 burgers or 5 burritos for $1.
The Joke House on 4th Street.
The Sawmill Tavern in Phillipsville.
Knowing and trusting your neighbors.
Ice Cream Trucks, not that is something I haven't seen in a long time. My favorite was Italian Ice.
Scooter Pies probably did taste like carboard, but we ate them.
I love It's It and still do, like Kevin - when nobody is looking. I ate my first one at an It's It place in Haight Ashbury in 1978. Yummy!
We've actually seen an ice cream truck driving around our neighborhood in Eureka every now and then. He doesn't play the loud(er) music like the ones way back when and I don't think I've ever seen anybody stop him for an ice cream. Wonder how long he'll last?
Oh, a little deja vu while at Rite Aid a few minutes ago: They had some Pest Strip kind of thing for sale.
Anyone remember the Shell Pest Strips? Worked real good in keeping bugs down in the house. Problem was, everyone in the house was living in an insecticide vapor while the strip was up. I don't know that I suffered any ill effects, though.
I noticed the new ones at Rite Aid say not to use them in rooms used by people, or some such thing.
Candy cigarettes.
Machine-dispensed, 7 (?) ounce bottles of Coke for a dime with a rack on the side to recycle the empties...a 35 cent It's It, and a 29 cent loaf of bread, which was mostly air, anyway...
The Buckhorn tavern on 299 just east of Blue Lake, M&M club, Elkhorn Tavern in Orick, Hilltop Tavern between Westhaven and Trinidad, The Red Hen Tavern at Stone Lagoon, The Big 4 inn, ahhh, where have all the waterin holes gone....
Neccos Wafers = Ambrosia!
"Remember the roller rink at Clam Beach, before the freeway?" My grandma remembered the motel there at Clam Beach, from back in the 1930's. Does anybody here know how long the motel cottages were there?
"Machine-dispensed, 7 (?) ounce bottles of Coke for a dime with a rack on the side to recycle the empties..." I remember them. On a hot summer day, nothing in the world was colder or more refreshing!
"The Red Hen Tavern at Stone Lagoon" I thought it was the Little Red Hen Gas Station and Grocery Store. I used to gas up my car there and buy some little snacks starting back in the late 1960's.
Remember when Coca-Cola was made with cane sugar, not high-fructose corn syrup? It really did taste better then.
Remember when Wheat Thins were salty, crisp and tasty? No trans-fats, no high-fructose corn syrup. Today, they call them Original Wheat Thins, but some of us remember the real thing. (Whoops, that's Coca-Cola's slogan).
I used to stop at a place called the Red Hen at Stone Lagoon for a burger or hot dog. Remember the truck stop in Muckville on Central near Murray before the freeway was built? That place was always hoppin'. It's was last used as an antique store before it was torn down in the late ninties.
Cigarettes out of a vending machine. Mmmmm, mmmm!
We used to pop into service stations and drop 50ยข into the slot and pull the Pall Mall, Raleigh or Winston handle, and bingo! A fresh pack dropped into the bin.
Fresh? That's hardley the word for something that gives you cancer.
I concur. Cigarettes are for losers.
A pen-pal who lived in a nearby town and stamps were eight cents.
Pong video games and pliers that lived on top of the TV because the channel changer was broken. Prayers on my knees next to my bed every night and the guardian angel picture with the two kids crossing the bridge. Saturday night live with the original cast hiding under a blanket with the volume so low I could barely hear it..."Never Mind". Wise Potato Chips and the owl who wnated to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop and the Indian crying because of the litter. Mr Yuck is green, Mr Yuck is mean, When you see him, stop and think ~ do not touch do not drink. Mr yuck is GREEN. Thanks for the memories Fred. :-)
Was there a cereal called Captain Quisp or something like that?
Wasn't it Captain Crunch? I used to enjoy that stuff right out of the box.
This is how easy it is to fake an ID on Blogger, so please delete any comments from the Kevin Hoover Troll, and please delete anything from me which is out of the ordinary.
Oh, I mean CPR
W h a a a a t ?
That was out of the ordinary! It can't be me!
Fred's avatar appears on his postings. But not on the fake ones unless its a very knowledgeable imposter and anyone that smart will live far far away from HumCo.
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