Monday, October 31, 2011

Pretty Neat Saws For Sale

This guy on Craigslist is selling some old logging saws circa 1925 that were supposedly used in the Yaeger Creek Logging Camp. Not any rust on them, either.

When I was a caretaker on a ranch up in Maple Creek back in '76-'77, I used a similar saw about 4 or 5 feet long to cut firewood. What a pain in the neck that was.


At 11:55 AM, Anonymous ekovox said...

It'll make a man out of ya, Fred. My grandfather fell many redwoods with those saws. But, he really loved the motorized drag saw when it came around.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous skippy said...

I'm thinking every old Victorian home made of redwood were from trees felled by handsaws. Then the wood was cut into lumber in a mill, probably mechanized. Those pieces were brought to site and sawed to length by hand. Given the size of those trees and some of the massive Victorians, that was a lot of hand sawing back in the day.

We've come a long ways and have it much easier nowadays. As Ekovox noted, motorized saws must have been a real respite when they arrived on the scene. Now they have machines that can grab (smaller, non-redwood) trees, cut them, limb them, bark them(?), and stack 'em, moving on in impressive order quickly.

Thanks for the reminder of the hard work, sweat, and toil our forefathers did, Fred.


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