A Trip To The Redwoods
I believe this is the first I've read of a bizarre incident down in Legget on July 16.
I'm a Libertarian living in Humboldt County, CA. I've lived here in Eureka since 1973 and joined the Libertarian Party in 1992. This blog will mostly focus on local political issues, but I may stray into state and national issues as well, when I can't help myself. Please post your comments by clicking on the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Although I do moderate comments, you need not be a registered user to post them.
I believe this is the first I've read of a bizarre incident down in Legget on July 16.
Such a shame to see Channel 3 News Weatherdude, Jim Bernard, have to step aside. At least we now know something of what was going on with him. We could tell something wasn't right.
We're doomed! The universe might tear itself apart. At least we still have some time left.
I noticed a new listing on Humguide the other day. A new online bulletin board for Humboldt County. Not sure if it will do much, being a Yahoo group, but that Humboldt Freecycle one really took off. Join up and let's see how it does.
This guy makes a good point: Why should we spend so much money sending people to the moon and Mars? Nearly all the knowledge gained is of little practical use and could be duplicated using robots.
I think I like this one better than others I've posted about before. Click on the Try It Now link to take the test. It not only tells you what candidates you most closely identify with, but also what political party.
Some retired military officers say that lack of summer school availability is affecting national security. Their idea being summer school would stop kids from just laying around, getting fat and not learning anything during summer vacation and thus be better prepared for military service. Still, I don't know that I'd wish summer school on anyone.
I'm not sure I've seen this before. The Mercatus Center has a freedom index of all 50 states. Criteria includes such things as marijuana and business laws. California ranks 48 overall. No surprise there. Their analysis even points out how a state can improve its freedom rating.
Short but sweet, the Miami Herald published a really nice piece on Gary Johnson. If more of the larger papers gave him this sort of coverage maybe he'd get somewhere?
This November's ballot initiatives now have numbers assigned. I'm assuming from the way the Oakland Tribune wrote it this is it and no more will be added? Let's take a look at them:
I don't watch Jeopardy much anymore but still consider myself a fan. I've always wondered how they find the contestants and put the show together. Anybody else?
Not yet released, but Libertarian Party Presidential candidate, Gary Johnson has a new book coming out: The Seven Principles of Good Government. You can pre- order your copy here.
Glenn Greenwald has another great piece up at Salon magazine taking a look at efforts to award medals to drone pilots who often work hundreds or thousands of miles from the battlefield.
Hooray! Looks like the court ruled against the Environmental Protection Information Center in their lawsuit to stop the Richardson Grove realignment. I'm actually surprised. Common sense would dictate EPIC's suit was bogus, but after the judge came to the grove and quibbled over which trees were what diameter, I wondered if sanity would prevail.
Some of you may have heard that there could be an internet blackout on Monday for some computer users due to a malware problem. Here's a more detailed explanation.
I found this piece from the Huffington Post a fun read. A not quite tongue- in- cheek list of President Obama's accomplishments by David Boaz.
They actually did it. The Democrats approved funding for the initial laying of line for the high speed rail line in the Central Valley. If nothing else, this leaves no question that the Democrats hold the lion's share of the blame for the fiscal wreck this state is in, and the even worse that's yet to come.
You may recall back in April I reported on a new chickadee house I built and put up in one of the apple trees in our back yard. It was hard to tell if the chickadees were actually nesting in it this time. One day we'd see mama and papa going back and forth to the nest, sometimes carrying nesting materials. Other times, it seemed we wouldn't see them for days.
Some time ago I got rid of MS Office and installed Open Office, that free open source word processing program. I've generally been satisfied with it, until I downloaded the first upgrade yesterday. Now, every time I boot up the computer, Open Office starts.