97% of Scientists Agree....?
There was an opinion piece in the Sacramento Bee yesterday claiming the science regarding global warming was settled so a carbon tax was necessary- the claim also being thrown out that 97% of scientists agree man is causing global warming
The comments mostly disagreed, as did mine. One commentator posted a link to a technically oriented blog which, among other things, deals with climate change. One of those bloggers claims to have sent letters to some the scientists mentioned in the "97%" study. Three have returned answers so far. They disagree with their studies being classified as "endorsing AGW". Their explanations are included.
Wonder what the rest of the 97% might say?
Addendum: I just noticed that blog has a post on the new ice age scare from back in the 70s. A long list of related literature is included.
The 'ice age scare' was media hype. There's little correlation between scientific research and how the (entertainment) news media present the research.
That said, there's little doubt that climate change is occurring now.
Exactly. So lets just keep arguing over whose fault it is and continue to do nothing. Im sure our kids will appreciate that.
Don't worry, Fred is a scientist, he know the truth... oh wait
For a little under 6000 years mankind through sin and his fall have known that the his days were numbered, "For the wages if sin is death."
Science is now catching up.
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
Yellow Jackets (wasps) are easy to deal with: use a vacuum, water, smoke, etc... before chemical death, murder, kill.
Of course, Yellow Jackets have their place in all things life too.
so...a paper came out which you think is less than credible...therefore all of the actual warming and flooding and climate change that is taking place, isn't actually taking place? Gosh, seems like airtight logic to me.
The climate is changing and a lot of it is man made although co2 has very little to do with it when co2 levels were over 700 parts per million we had much bigger and Lasher rainforest and greenbelt right now co2 levels in our atmosphere have just reached 400 parts per million when you exhale you are excelling about 40,000 parts per million osha safety standards for office building is 7000 the ocean put off about 94 percent more co2 per year than human activity does if you want to know the real reason our atmosphere is changing Google Geoengineering or Bill Gates weather modification you also have to take in consideration the Sun is at its peak activity cycle and by the way paying the global elite a tax on the gases that you exhale will not prevent co2 from entering our atmosphere
Wow, that was the longest run on sentence ever. Someone please give this Travis fella a prize.
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