Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New TV Show: The Hate Boat

I came up with a great idea for a new television show yesterday. It would actually be a spin- off of that old tv favorite, The Love Boat. You'll remember The Love Boat was a show about various relationships on a cruise ship where passengers either fall in love or become even more in love by the end of the cruise.

It would be an hour long show just as the old one was. You could even have the same cheery crew members. You'd have three to four couples or families whose relationships would be exposed during the show.

So, you'd have a newly married couple come aboard anticipating a honeymoon full of romance. At the same time a couple and their two or three kids embarks, overjoyed at their first ever cruise- one big happy family, for now. Add a couple more teams of people expecting to have the time of their lives. Except things just get worse.

As soon as the ship sets sail the families and couples start having problems. One clash in personality after another afflicts them all. Before the cruise is even over they realize not only do they not get along, they actually don't even like each other!

You could even have something along the line of a family that ends up so disruptive with their arguments and fighting the Captain has to ask them to leave the ship. The common ending theme, though, will be the passengers disembarking telling their families or spouses they never want to see them again and having or marrying them was the biggest mistake of their lives, and so on.

Wouldn't that be fun? I bet it would be a prime time hit and once that proves successful I can start on a spin- off from another show back in those days. I'll call it Hate American Style. I should make millions with this idea.



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