Friday, May 24, 2013

Another Strike Against Rand Paul?

The U.S. Senate just passed a very aggressive resolution against Iran. Language in the resolution goes so far as to suggest that the United States will follow Israel should they decide to attack Iran.

The vote was unanimous so Rand Paul obviously voted Aye. This was an issue where he could have stood tall and separated himself from the status quo in congress. He could have voted No, or even abstained, and the resolution would still have passed so there shouldn't have been a lot of pressure to go along with it.

This certainly adds to my growing skepticism of him. He must be much more aggressive in his foreign policy beliefs than some are claiming. Yet another thing to keep in mind should he make a bid for the White House.

Addendum: Reason's Nick Gillespie doesn't seem as skeptical about Rand Paul as I do.

Addendum#2: tells of Rand Paul railing against a U.S Senate resolution to arm Syrian rebels. The enigma continues.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Travis said...

Agreed I sure wish we still had his dad in there unfortunately I think there is only one way we're going to change things but I hope I'm wrong

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

I've added an addendum to the post regarding Nick Gillepsie's view of Rand Paul.

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Another addendum added. This time Rand Paul objects to the Senate passing a resolution to arm Syrian rebels.

At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sold out. Made me cry when he went to IsraHell and donned that silly hat at the wailing wall. Nothing like his father who never kissed the wall.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Travis said...

Did you know the Department of Justice recently granted its self powers to intervene in civil unrest without the President or congressional approval is this the beginning of a military coup d'état Or is it just the final stages of one

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henchman Of Justice" says,

Agreed too,

When the shit is gonna hit the fan, even those who claim they have different principles, but serve in the Two Party System will lie, cheat, steal, flip-flop, hipocrisy, etc...

Rand Paul has disappointed HOJ much in the past year.

What's Rose's take, more Two Party System rubbish remarks?

Rose - Local Republican of the Year! Congrats!




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