The Politics of Burial
Some of you may have heard that former congressman Dan Hamburg is being investigated for possible criminal disposal of his late wife's remains. He apparently buried her on the family's property rather than an licensed cemetery. According to the Santa Rosa Press- Democrat, the Sheriff isn't planning on exhuming the remains, as suggested elsewhere.
The P-D goes on to look at burial law in California and elsewhere. An interesting quote: "Despite its progressive reputation, California has some of the nation’s strictest policies on human burial, said Joe Sehee, founder of the New Mexico-based Green Burial Council.".
No surprise that California has among the strictest burial regulations and I'll take issue with the phrase, "despite its progressive reputation...". I'd suggest strict- and even stricter- regulations, are exactly what progressives are about.
"Henchman Of Justice" says,
Over-population causes worry about where "dead people go".
Were fucked,
Because we buried our grandparents on our property we potentially look at a fine of $100000 and up to 10 years imprisonment but if they want to try to exhume their bodies they have to get through me first
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