Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Government "Shutdown"

r fellow citizens do not realize, even after 20 years of threats and experiments in this field, that the real effects of the “shutdown” will be minimal. It will mean a short-term lapse of certain “non-essential government services” (there being thousands of such services deemed essential). But I think that most people do realize that.
- See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.ZTR02Lma.dpuf

Wayland Hunger, over at Liberty Unbound, echoes some of my sentiments on this supposed government shutdown ( quote edited for brevity since blogspot isn't allowing copy and paste right now):

 "...the most ominous feature of this political moment is that most of the American people seem to regard 'shutting down the government' as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything to avert those Days of Doom."

"Many do not realize, even after 20 years of threats and experiments in this field, that real effects of the shutdown will be minimal. It will mean a short- term lapse of certain 'non- essential government services' (there being thousands of such services deemed essential). But I think that most people do realize that."
To me, the most ominous feature of this political moment is the fact that most of the American people appear to regard “shutting down the government” as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything, including the horrors of Obamacare, to avert such Days of Doom. - See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.yBBwDjxL.dpuf
To me, the most ominous feature of this political moment is the fact that most of the American people appear to regard “shutting down the government” as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything, including the horrors of Obamacare, to avert such Days of Doom. - See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.yBBwDjxL.dpuf
the most ominous feature of this political moment is the fact that most of the American people appear to regard “shutting down the government” as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything, including the horrors of Obamacare, to avert such Days of Doom. - See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.yBBwDjxL.dpuf
the most ominous feature of this political moment is the fact that most of the American people appear to regard “shutting down the government” as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything, including the horrors of Obamacare, to avert such Days of Doom. - See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.yBBwDjxL.dpuf
the most ominous feature of this political moment is the fact that most of the American people appear to regard “shutting down the government” as so dangerous, so frightful, so morally detestable, that they will suffer virtually anything, including the horrors of Obamacare, to avert such Days of Doom. - See more at: http://libertyunbound.com/node/1136#sthash.yBBwDjxL.dpuf

Except I'm not so sure that most of the American people really care that much. I don't get around much but I haven't met anyone that's upset over the shutdown, save some from The Left that are using it for a generic attack on Republicans. I can't help but wonder if most of the public outrage is a fabrication of the mainstream media?

But, if he is right, and most Americans are upset about a temporary closing of some non- essential government services, that is not just ominous. That's downright scary.

Addendum: Apologies to those that subscribe to this blog but blogspot is on the geek right now. I just received this post in my inbox and it goes on forever with all the things I discarded included, plus all my copy and pastes, even though they didn't show up on the draft.


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a federal employee.... and luckily I'm deemed essential. For the rest of my non essntial collegues, i say this; Congress did it to themselves, and we are the ones paying for it. It goes farther than that... it's no longer about whats best for America the Great, its about red or blue, right or left. It's about whats best for your party, and not for the nation. I blame all of them.

To everyone that doesn't care enough to think, or think enough to care.... When the Gov is running well, you hardly notice it, when it runs bad, a lot of services people take for granted will slow way down, or disapear all togeather

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Fred Mangels said...

Well, it's supposedly shut down and I haven't noticed a thing. Sorry!

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Income Protection Insurance Redundancy said...

People leading United State's government should united ever for once for the welfare of their of their constituents.

At 3:45 AM, Anonymous democraticJon said...

Anonymous. It's not both sides. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it's true.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Jon have your insurance premiums gone up? Most people I know that have Heath insurance have seen a rise in their premiums obomacare is illegal and was written by the Republicans and a big insurance companies the two party system is all smoke and mirrors

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't afford the government to be as big as it is that's why we have almost a 17 trillion debt some services need to be shut down or our economy will collapse the only reason it hasn't already is because the Federal Reserve is printing 85 billion dollars a month by the way is your retirement account still there?


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