Pratt & Whitney Leaving CA
I haven't seen it reported elsewhere so you may have heard it first here, folks. Richard Rider reports defense contractor Pratt&Whitney is leaving San Diego and headed to greener pastures taking 530 jobs with them. Texas again? Maybe not. They're also considering either Georgia or Florida.
As they say, don't bump your arse on the way out.
Pratt& Whiney has made several "adjustments" in recent years. They have 38,000 employees in various locations including Canada.
with Pratt & Whiney?
Pratt and Whitney is moving their plant to Fairfield in Solano County. Apparently Northern California is a better place to do business than San Diego.......or Texas..... Or wherever the right wing is saying that California business is moving.
Correction: That's Vacaville, not Fairfield.
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